Chapter Thirty-eight

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This chapter is dedicated to CallieTorcello for all the votes you continue to give out to my story. Thank you! It means a lot. :)


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I rush upstairs to my room, leaving Liam and my mom in the kitchen to do their magic. Since Dad and Margaret are in Madrid for a "Post engagement vacation." my brothers and I won't be forced to see him for Thanksgiving this year. Steff and Miranda are coming over for dinner even though they have to leave early to head over to the Williamson's, Jeremy's adoptive parents, house. His parents also invited us over, but we declined because it won't be convenient for the people we invited. Jeremy's parents are the epitome of a perfect family and the people that have always shown me what a love-filled marriage looks like.

To top it off, Alex, my insane cousin from France, flew in for work to the U.S yesterday. And she came to town to spend Thanksgiving with us. So we have a full house this year, and I couldn't be happier.

As I walk into my closet to look for a change of outfit, my phone buzzes in my hand. I see a text from Elliot, and I open it with a frown.

Brittany and I broke up. I don't know how I ever cheated on you with her. You were perfect. Why did I let you go?

What the hell? Elliot and Brittany broke up? Shit!

I can't really say that I'm surprised, they are always fighting. I honestly thought I'd be ecstatic when this day finally came, but I couldn't care less right now. And I also have no clue why he is telling me all this.

Well, that sucks. You are just hurting over the breakup, Elliot. You and I weren't right for each other in so many ways.

I type and send it. I pick out a sleeveless white lacy dress that falls right at my mid-thigh. I know Liam loves white on me, and I only wore this dress once before.

I pull out nude strappy heels to go with it and put on some gold jewelry. I'm going all out this year.

My phone buzzes.

Yeah, I am hurting. But not because of her. Dumping her is probably the only good thing I've ever done. I just wish I could take it all back. I wish I knew what I had when you were mine.

I shake my head, sighing. These words would have meant the world to me a few months back, and I probably would have gone running back to him. But now I just wish he'd stop messaging me. I thought I loved him, but it wasn't really love. Now I know what love really feels like. Liam. My heart aches at the thought of him. My beautiful, protective, caring, broken Liam. If only I knew he was somewhere out there back then.

Before I can reply, another text comes through.

I wish you were mine.

Oh, for God's sake! Is he drunk or something?

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