Chapter Fifty-three

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely Cherrywile thank you for all the votes and comments, hun. It meant a lot to me. :)

I change out of the fifth outfit, and I groan

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I change out of the fifth outfit, and I groan. Why can't I decide on what to wear? I have never stressed so much about choosing an outfit before! But I don't want to meet Liam's mother looking rubbish.

I give myself some internal scolding, and I remind myself that this is not about me. This is about Liam. I pick out a pair of washed denim jeans and pair it with a white cable knit sweater and drape a coat over it. It's been freezing cold this whole entire week. After wearing my boots and scarf, I head downstairs. I want some coffee, but I don't think I have time to make it. Liam said he wants me to drive, and he'll be here any minute.

"You look like you're heading to Antarctica," Mom comments looking at me over the newspaper she's reading.

"Might as well be. I don't do well with the cold, and it feels like it's in the negatives." I say, grabbing a cookie from the little display.

"Do you think you'll be late? Should I call Anna to watch the kids?" She asks.

It's been about a week since school started, and the amount of Assignments we had to turn in and the projects we had to complete has been unreal. January is not messing around. This is the only free Saturday we have before starting finals, so we figured we would drive out today, and I have no clue what time we'll be coming back.

"Yeah, you should call her. Just to be safe."

Mom nods.

"You know your father is pissed off that you didn't go over with the twins to see him. Apparently, he really wanted to meet Liam." She says with a sigh.

We both know nothing good can come from him meeting Liam.

"Tell him to be a better parent to the twins, and maybe they will introduce him to their girlfriends." I roll my eyes.

"Please!" Mom snorts. "I yelled at him for getting them iPhones without discussing it with me, and he couldn't see anything wrong with it. He thinks the more expensive things he buys, the more fatherly he is."

That makes me wanna call and yell some sense into him, but before I ponder on the thought for too long, the doorbell rings.

"Liam's here," I say, rushing to the door.

To my surprise, it's not Liam. It's our new next-door neighbor.

Ugh! I could've made my coffee.

"Hey?" I say with a small smile.

"Hey. Is- uh is your mom here?" He asks just as mom appears from behind me.

"Nina." His face lights up.

"Hey, Eric," Mom says with a smile, and they have an awkward few seconds of staring at each other.

Eric, is it?

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