Chapter Six

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"What the hell was that?" Jeremy asks.

My throat feels drier than the Sahara desert, so I sip on my coke before I speak.

"I got asked out, big deal." I try to sound nonchalant, but my face betrays me.

Steff gives me that we'll have this talk later look.

People have been looking over at our table and whispering openly from the moment he left our table. I wonder what they'll say when they find out we're dating. Things have been really boring around school lately, and there is no rumor going around. This is just what everyone needs. They might even write an article about it in the school paper. It might even be on the front page, and it'll probably have a big headline.

Bad boy bewitched by the crack head.

I steal a glance at his table. He is eating, casually discussing something with his friends. Brittany looks like she's about to pull her extensions out, and despite everything, the site makes me smile to myself.

"Helloooo, Juliet!" Steff snaps her fingers, waving her hands, and Jeremy snorts.

"What?" I look back and forth at them.

"Did you not hear a thing I said?" She asks, throwing her hands up with exasperation, and I smile sweetly with a shake of my head.

She sighs and turns to Jeremy.

"Please say something to her!"

"Jess, are you seriously gonna go out with him?" Jeremy asks.

"Well, I said yes, didn't I? It's not a big deal."

Jeremy narrows his eyes at me like he can tell that I'm lying, and we have a stare-off. He finally looks away in defeat.

"Fine! If you insist. I'll just pretend like I believe you. But keep your eyes open. Guys like him bring nothing but trouble." He says.

"Look at you being all fatherly. How adorable!" Steff pokes him, and they start wrestling.

"Stop it. You'll mess my hair up!" She struggles to get out of his grip, and he slowly lets her go.

"Greg, wait up." He hollers, and a tall guy with curly red hair nods at him.

"Sorry, got a project I have to finish up. Duty calls gotta go." He says, getting up to leave.

"Later!" Steff says and turns to me.

"So you gonna talk?" She asks when Jeremy is far enough, and I fill her in on every detail.

"He likes Brittany? What's with that skunk and that family? And I thought she was already screwing him." She says, chewing on her fries.

I guess the rumors were true.

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