Chapter Thirty

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This chapter is dedicated to JoritaNobrega Thank you for all the votes and lovely comments, hun. You make me smile :)

 You make me smile :)

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A vibration wakes me up from my sleep, and I groan when I see Ryan's name on the caller ID.

"What?" I snap picking up.

"Dude, I've been ringing the doorbell like crazy! Good to know you're not dead. Now, will you open the door?" He says, and I take a look at the time.

It's 10:30. I didn't get much sleep last night. After what happened with Elle, I felt even more empty and troubled than ever. I just wanted Jess. I longed to hold her and feel her touch. But I had made my bed, and I had to lay in it. No pun intended. So I fell asleep after a long struggle when it was almost dawn, and I'm in no mood for company right now.

"Go away!" I say and hang up the phone, putting it back on the nightstand. But it starts buzzing again.

"Ryan, I told you to fuck off!" I snap, louder this time.

"Cheer up! We are going shopping."

Is he serious?

"I'm not playing around, don't call again!" I hang up and lay on my back, fully awake, and agitated.

To my annoyance, my phone starts buzzing again. I groan loudly. If anyone can piss me off to the point of violence, it's definitely Ryan. Actually, scratch that, I can think of a few other people.

I pick up and put the phone against my ear.

"Liam, my dearest, oldest, grumpiest friend, please open the door." He says in the sweetest voice he can muster.

I can't believe this! He is like a bad dream you can't wake up from. I get up, sighing with frustration.

I have the worst hangover from last night. My head is throbbing and aching. But most of all, I feel like something heavy is sitting on my chest. I can't stop thinking about what Ellyn and Ryan said about me being in love. That's absurd! Love is an illusion. Everyone I've ever known that has claimed to be in love only found misery in the end. Because love, if it exists, is nothing but a weakness. People only seek it because they are scared to be alone. But I don't need it because I am not afraid to be alone. I've always been alone, and I've always been okay with being alone, until her.

But I can't be in love with her. I don't even know what that means. I mean, how are you supposed to know when you're in love?

"Wow! You look like shit." Ryan says as soon as I open the door.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I glare at him, and he shoves me aside, walking in.

"What happened last night? You left without saying goodbye."

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