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I kept my eyes closed as I woke up, shifting closer to whatever was happened to be the source of the warmth surrounding me. After opening my eyes, I realized the source of was Light. He had his arms wrapped around me and was looking at me with an amused smile.

"What?" I said defensively. "You're warm, okay?"

He laughed. "Really? Well you're cold."

"Really?" I tilted my head.

He nodded. "Yeah, you're like ice," he said. "Also, did you just admit to being cold?"

"No!" I indignantly replied. "I admitted that the air was cold!"

He laughed at that, and I tried to glare at him. Sighing, I rolled out of bed and went to get ready.


(Light's POV)

(y/n) looked up from her book when her phone went off. She jumped up, running to her phone.
(Guess what tone/song thing it is)
"The only person I set that tone for is.." She let out an excited yelp and answered. "Riska? Oh my god it's been forever!" She suddenly gasped. "Really‽ Oh my god!"

I have her a confused look, and she only smiled in response.

"I'm so excited! I'll see you soon, then!" At that, she hung up.

(Your POV)

"What was that about?" Light asked, raising an eyebrow.

I jumped up and down, wriggling my arms. "My friend is coming form out of state! I'm so excited! We're like sisters!"

"Maybe you should calm dow-"

"Are you really going to say that‽" I cut him off. "I haven't seen her in years, Light!"

Light backed away. "Okay, but still-"

He couldn't finish before I rolled away to prepare for Riska's arrival.


Sorry another short chapter, Riska's character is inspired by mah SISTAH so yeah. daten-shi

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