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(Lawliet's POV)

Who exactly is this girl, anyway? It's not necessarily common to know whether or not someone is using an alias, what alias they are using, and their real name.

"Yes. I would, in fact, prefer that you use my alias," I replied, when I sensed someone was glaring at me.

(Your POV)

Light strode up, carrying a paper bag and handing me a muffin. "Hey, (y/n). Sorry I took so long. How's your tea?"

"Too strong, as I mentioned earlier."

"I see. Were you really in that desperate need of tea, though?"

"It was dire. Tea is essential for survival." This gained an inquisitive look from both Lawliet and Light. I couldn't help laughing.

Lawliet looked at me. "I assume you are very fond of tea?"

"I love it. Not to sound eccentric, but I'm very passionate about tea."

"I see."

"Well, want to walk around a bit before it gets late?" I stood up, slipping my book into my bag.


I walked around, talking with Ryuzaki and Light, when someone ran into me. The man seemed to be in an awful hurry, for he simply mumbled a halfhearted apology as he hastily made sure his bag was closed properly before dashing off.

I turned back in the direction the strange person was headed. "That was odd-" I stopped mid-sentence, tugging Light's sleeve to whisper to him what I saw. "It's a shinigami."

Heart Attack (Death Note)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ