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(Your dream)

I woke up with an unbearable pain in my side. I sat up to be greeted with another sharp jolt and the sound of liquid being moved around. I shifted to scan my surroundings. I was on the floor, in a pool of red.

"Mother? Father?" Terrified, I struggled to stand, despite the the stinging of protest I received from the gash. I limped out of my room and down the hallway.

"Mother Father Hello" I stumbled to my parents' room, opening the door.

I screamed. I found my parents, but wasn't happy I did.

(Light's POV)

I was woken by a scream. I jumped up and ran to where it came from to see (y/n) sitting up in her bed, a hand over her chest and her shoulders heaving. She looked terrified.

(Your POV)

I barely noticed Light's presence as he ran to me and sat at the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I tried to stop shaking as two fingers were pressed to my neck, checking my pulse.

(Light's POV)

Eventually (y/n) had stopped shaking and her heart slowed. She was asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I didn't try to move. I just stayed there.


Sawwy I know this chapter is short! (All chapters are..) I'll try to make them a little longer but I thought you might want a little drama. Hehe. Ooh the suspense!

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