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"Light, do you know that person?" Lawliet had left, due to something involving "work", and Light and I were walking around alone.

"No, I don't recognize him."

I stiffened, sensing that I was being watched. "(y/n)?" Light hesitated. "Are you alright?"

I tuned to face him, glancing behind me as I did so. "Yea, I'm fine. Why?" I thought I saw someone, but didn't get a good look. Although Ryuk was trailing behind.

"Oh, hi Ryuk," I greeted, making sure to be quiet. Light glanced at me, obviously concerned. "Don't worry, some people who know me wouldn't be surprised if I was talking to nobody."

Light sighed. "You should still be careful, you know."

I rolled my eyes. "I was being careful. Plus, my current concern is not the reputation of my sanity."

Ryuk decided to speak up. "Then what is?"

"I may be acting paranoid, but I can't help feeling that I'm being watched, and/or followed."

"Most likely because you are," the shinigami replied.

"Well crap. That's no good."

Light seemed very concerned by that. He quickened his pace a little. "We should start heading back, it's getting late."

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