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(Light's POV)

I froze, shocked by what I just heard. 'She didn't really say that, did she? She couldn't have! It's impossible! She--'

"Did you die?" (y/n) interrupted my rapid thoughts, her eyebrows pinched together.

"(Y/n), you can't," I tried to stutter out. "It's too dangerous!"

"What's so dangerous about it?" she questioned. "I shall be in no more danger than I am now!"

'But she doesn't know how much danger she's in now!' my mind exclaimed. Ignoring my thoughts, I continued to attempt at explaining. "Wait, you don't understand--"

"I don't understand what?" She snapped.

"You're--" I stopped myself. 'No,' I thought, 'I probably shouldn't tell her. It'd only encourage her.'

"I don't get why you're so weird about this. Riska's working on the case, and she--"

"You're not Riska!" I objected, raising my voice slightly. "You two are completely different people!"

"Oh," she said, as if just noticing something, "is it because you think I'm going to reveal that you're Kira? That'd make sense - if you didn't trust me."

"What?" I gasped. "No, that's not it. I do trust you."

"Then why are you so against the idea of me working on the case?" she questioned. "There's no way it would cause danger for me. I think you're just getting paranoid over nothing."

"No," I argued. "You just wouldn't understand if I told you. You don't get it."

(y/n) crossed her arms. "Well, if there's something I don't know, then just tell me."

I dragged a hand through my hair, frustrated. I couldn't tell her! She wouldn't get it. If she hadn't noticed that someone had been stalking her, then she wouldn't understand if I said something like that. I didn't even know for sure if she really was being followed. I had no way to prove it.
(Aha! See, I did have an actual plot in mind!)

"If I'm really in danger, don't you think it'd be safer if I worked on the case? I mean, if the risks are based on the whole Kira thing, being educated on the subject would be helpful. And, if I'm surrounded by the task force - a bunch of men of authority who are dedicated to justice - there's little chance to actually pose a threat," (Y/n) persisted.

I growled lowly, frustrated to no end. When I opened my mouth to argue, the (h/c)-haired girl turned and started to walk out the front door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I called, grabbing her arm and stopping her.

"Out." (Y/n) tried pulling out of my hold.

"Out where? It's raining! At least tell me where you'll be - and take an umbrella or something!"

"Umbrellas are for the weak," she growled darkly, her voice sounding more than a little demonic.

Eyes widening in shock, I stepped back, my grip loosening. (Y/n) took advantage of this, yanking her arm free and - rather dramatically - throwing the door open, allowing the cool air from outside to creep into the house. She then proceeded to dash out into the street at full speed.

"(Y/n), stop!" I desperately ran forward, reaching out to grab her, only to trip on God-knows-what and fall unceremoniously to the ground.

By then, (y/n) was too far to catch. 'Since when could she run so fast?'


"Ryuzaki, I think (y/n) might be on her way over to HQ..."

I didn't bother looking from the computer screen to Riska. "What makes you think that?"

"Well," sighed Riska, "she's been talking about joining the case. She wants to help find Kira."

"Interesting," I murmured, "though she shouldn't know the location of this building."

"She has her ways."

This remark caught my attention. If (y/n) continues to act suspicious, I might have to suspect her for being Kira... or, rather... a second Kira. She associates herself with Light Yagami, who is our top suspect... She could be assisting him.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

"I mean," said the dark haired girl, "that (y/n) often tracks where I go. She's got an app on her phone that lets her track mine... I have the same app on my phone, and I often track her movement, too. We're weird."

Is this the new thing girls do with their friends? I pondered, before deciding it'd be safest to not remark on it. "...And you think she could track your cell phone to this building?"

"Quite possibly, yes."

I stayed quiet for a moment, Riska's blank expression reflected in the computer screen from which I had yet to look away. "For safety reasons, I suggest you remove that app from your cell phone," I drawled finally.



I am soooooooo sorry for not updating in forever and a half! I have no excuse but writer's block. I tried to make it up with this awesome super long chapter but all I have to offer is this rubbish medium-sized chapter. I hope you all aren't too devastated!

~'til next time!~

-Le Disco Potato

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