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The light show was set up in a large clearing, surrounded by trees. In the darkness I could just barely see a web of wires and lights. People were laying out on the grass, some with blankets. There weren't too many other people, an observation I was pleased to make. A too-crowded place can make anything less pleasant.We found a place to sit and soon the show started.

It was amazing. The show consisted of multiple shapes and figures moving and blinking to the beat of the music. About ten to fifteen songs were played, with about two minute intervals.

The very last son was 'Carol of the Bells', which was one of my favorite songs. It was only instrumental, multiple different instruments used at once. The entire event was just beautiful, really.

During one of the songs, I felt Light tap my shoulder. I reluctantly tore my eyes away to look at him. Then he kissed me. He. Kissed. Me. I was completely stunned, my eyes wider than I thought possible.

I slowly turned back to face the display, an odd fluttering feeling in my chest. My heart was pounding and I was finding it hard to breathe.

After it was over, fireworks unexpectedly went off. Startled by the sudden loud sound, I jumped and clung to Light. He laughed and wrapped an arm around me. I lowered my head a little, something about his actions seemed condescending.

The fireworks stopped and soon people started leaving. Light turned to me. "Do you want to leave or stay here a while?"

Something about my surroundings was enjoyable and I found myself not wanting to leave just yet. "I want to stay just a little longer.."

(Light's POV)

After looking up at the sky for a while, I turn to see that (y/n) had fallen asleep. "I should probably take her home,"I picked her up to find that she was surprisingly light.

I began walking along the sidewalk when a taxi pulled over and the person inside gestured for me to get in. I pulled the door open and slid into the seat with (y/n) still asleep in my lap. I told the driver the address and he began driving.

((A/N: I've never been in a taxi so IRDK I'm guessing))

After a few minutes of silence, the driver began speaking. "Stayed out a bit too late I suppose?" He laughed.

I smiled a little. "I guess her previous all-nighters just caught up with her."

The driver laughed. "Well, here you are."

The car stopped and I got out, thanking the driver. I carried (y/n) into the house and put her on the bed, pulling the blanket over her.

Heart Attack (Death Note)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora