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"Ooh, this looks interesting," I mumbled, picking up a book. Light had suggested going to the library and I agreed, making sure to bring a water bottle full of tea, of course.

"What's that?" Light walked up, trying to read over my shoulder.

"Wolf Princess, Cathryn Constable." I flipped to the first page, reading a segment of the prologue. "Okay, I have to read this."

I froze, once again sensing that I was being watched. Light looked at me, concerned. "(y/n)?"

I decided not to risk it. "Oh, sorry. Just got an idea."

"What idea?"

"Nothing, it was a bad idea."

"Okay, then.."

I turned my head, hearing a sudden noise. "Oh look, it's Ryuzaki." I nodded in Lawliet's direction.

Lawliet turned, noticing us, and waved. He walked over and looked at the book in my hands. "What's that?"

"Wolf Princess, don't judge!"

"I don't intend to 'judge' anyone."

"You're too monotone!"

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, a 'crash' was heard, as multiple books fell to the ground. I jumped, turning toward the source of the sound.

I could just barely see a retreating figure when I got really dizzy. I stumbled and was caught by Light. "(y/n)," Lawliet hesitated a moment "are you feeling alright?"

I sighed. "Yes, I'm fine."

"No," Light argued, "you're not."

I turned to look at him. "What makes you say that?"

"Well," Lawliet started, "for one, it is rare that someone nearly collapses while in perfect physical health."

"I tripped."

"On what?"

I pointed to the various books that had fallen to the ground. Light sighed.


"Okay, be honest now. What's wrong?" We had left the library and gone back to my house, only for Light to bother me.

"We were being watched." I said nothing else as I left the room.

"Wha- wait! (y/n)!"

"I think she's mad at you," Ryuk speculated. I kept walking.

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