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I sat up straight in my bed. I had been woken up from an already eerie dream by what sounded like a footstep.

I scanned my surroundings and, finding nothing, lay back down to go to sleep. 'It was probably just my imagination reacting to an unsettling vision," I reasoned

However, just as I was drifting into sleep, I heard another footstep. Stiffening, I opened my eyes to see a hooded figure.

I jerked back, letting out an ear splitting scream. The figure stepped forward. I tried to scream again, but my mouth was covered and I was pulled out of my bed. I felt something cold and sharp pressed to my neck. A knife.

I desperately tried to wrench out of my attacker's grasp, but failed. 'It's no use. I could die at this time.' Realizing that I needed to calm down, I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing pattern.

Within that moment, the knife was drawn away from my neck and the person holding it was jerked away. I gasped, falling to the ground, and spun to see what had happened.

"Light? Wha-" I was cut off. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" The uninvited guest, hood now pulled back, swung at Light.

To my surprise, Light caught the knife and began expertly cutting and slashing toward his opponent. The man, startled by Light's sudden attack, jumped back and disappeared through the window.

I pressed my back to the wall, realizing that my pulse was rapid and I was breathing heavily. Before I knew it, Light's face was two inches from mine, and he was leaning one arm on the wall behind me.

"Are you alright, (y/n)? What happened? Were you hurt?" The close proximity made it harder for me to answer his questions. "I'm... I'm fine." I stuttered. He didn't seem to believe me, but before he could say anything, my vision went black.

Heart Attack (Death Note)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt