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I had just started making tea when a knock sounded at the door. I ran to answer, wondering if Riska had arrived. I opened the door to see a small box.

Picking up the box, I looked inside to see a paper. On the paper, someone had written: "Look up! :3" I slowly looked up to see that all-too-familiar pair of brown eyes, nearly covered by dark brown hair-which was streaked with red dye.

"Riska!" I shouted, immediately pulling her into a hug.

Riska gave a cough. "(y/n)! You're choking me!"

With a quick 'sorry', I dragged Riska inside and offered her tea.

Riska laughed. "Still obsessed with tea, then." Suddenly, her gaze flicked from me to Light, who was beside me, before returning to me. She leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Are you in a relationship with Kira?"

Light had heard this and seemed as if he intended to object, but I spoke before he could. "Oh come on, Riska! You're one to talk! I mean, you li-"

I was cut off by a drawn out "shh" as Riska put a hand over my face. "Don't start, child."

I laughed in response and went to prepare the tea. "Oh, by the way, Light," I called. "Riska may be more mature than I am, but that doesn't make her any less insane."

I heard Light sigh as Riska laughed. "So you're still as immature as I remember?" Riska called.

I shouted an indignant "Shut up!" as I brought the tea into the living room and passed out cups. I was about to pick up my tea when Riska poked me in the ribs. With a yelp, I jumped away and ended up landing on Light.

"You're still ticklish," she sang with a giggle.

I sent her a halfhearted glare and continued to lean away, crushing Light in the process. "You're mean!" I accused.

"I never said I was nice," was Riska's nonchalant reply.

"Do you have a response for everything‽" I failed my arms exasperatedly.

Riska nodded. " It's what I do."

"Well I stabbed your potato!" I shot back, not sure what it meant - and not really intending it to mean anything.

Riska wasn't affected at all. "And I killed a kitten."

I gasped before glaring. "You would never! Sebastian wouldn't forgive you!"

Riska only laughed and sipped her tea. I picked up my tea as well and moved away from Light, who looked very confused. Light's expression earned a giggle from me. "Don't worry, Light!" I said. "You're not supposed to understand!"


Aah another short chapter don't kill me! Sorry for the delay. And I AM GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS I PROMISE

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