chapter 49

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He found himself in an empty white room.
It felt more like a big box than a room, the four corners locking him in and he glanced around in fear.

He didn't know how he got there, he couldn't remember walking into the room.

There were no windows or doors,no way to get out. He felt trapped and lonely.
Should he call out for help, maybe someone out there might hear him.

"Hello?" He called out as he walked to the wall, searching with his trembling hands to see if he could find a secret doorway.

"Help!" He let out a frustrated cry as he couldn't find a way to get out.

"Is anyone out there? Please help me I'm trapped inside."
He shouted loudly, banging his fist on the wall.

No sound could be heard. everywhere was dead silent as one could hear a pin drop on the floor.

His yelling was fruitless and he felt defeated. Placing his forehead on the wall, he shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"Help me."
His voice was small like a whisper.

A small voice called him from behind.

He didn't need to know who it was as he could recognize that voice anywhere he was
A voice he dreaded so much but loved.

He flicked his eyes open, lifting his head off the wall and turned slowly to face the woman.

As always, she was wearing her White gown that was covered in blood from the bottom.
She stood few feet away from him with no emotion on her face.

He choked as her name left his lips, swallowing a big lump in his throat.

"Why weren't you there when I needed you?"
She asked, not taking her blood shot eyes off him.

His breath caught in his throat as he couldn't open his mouth to say a word.
He leaned his back to the wall, hoping and praying silently for a door to appear so he could escape from her.
As much as he loved her, seeing her in his state always terrified him and made him helpless.

"You betrayed me Raymond." She hissed as she took a slow step towards him.
"You left me behind and now I have to take you with me."

His eyes shot wide as he heard those words,fear gripping him hard.

He found his voice.
"No!" He staggered away from her, moving to the other corner .

She turned, taking slow steps towards him with an evil grin on her face.
"You and I are meant to be Raymond. And I won't let you escape from me this time."

"No, leave me alone!" His voice was shaky and he could feel the tears in his eyes.

She slurred, bringing out a knife and walked towards him.

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