chapter 68

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The counselor came by the room and as expected, Christine told the woman nothing. In the end, the woman left the room with a grumpy look on her face as Christine never said a word to her. Jasmine apologized to the woman and explained  to her, that what happened to Christine was a mistake.
The woman took down a small note after having five minutes talk with Jasmine and left.

Christine managed to eat a slice of toast with a glass of juice before she took her medications prescribed by the doctor. Christain came by and Jasmine decided to let the twins have a moment to themselves.

She sat by the lobby, a cup of coffee in her hand as she read the text message Raymond sent her.

'This meeting is taking forever. I wish I can just disappear from here and be with you. Anyways, how're you doing? How's Christine, has she woken up? Let me know if everything is okay. I miss you.'

Jasmine smiled as she read his last sentence ten times. She sent him a short text, telling him that christine had woken up and everything was okay. She wanted to let him know that she missed him too but she remembered their last conversation in front of her house and deleted the message.

She put her phone in her pocket and walked up to the receptionist to pay Christine's hospital bill. When Jasmine got there, the young lady informed her that the bills were already paid.

Jasmine was confused as she hadn't made any payment but when the young lady showed her the payment transfer, it quickly dawned on Jasmine that it was Raymond that paid the bill. He must have done it while she was asleep, she'd thought.

Should she call or text him? She didn't know what to do. She decided to wait till evening when he'd arrived. Just when she wanted to check on the twins, she heard her name. She turned and her eyes went wide in surprise as she saw Gloria and Mrs Smith.

They waved at Jasmine smiling, holding a bouquet of rose and Lilly flowers in their hands. Jasmine hugged them tight and asked how they knew what happened. They told her that Raymond informed them that she had a week off in order look after her sick sister. though, he didn't mention what actually happened to Christine.

Jasmine smiled widely and thanked them for coming. She never expected such friendship with Gloria and Mrs Smith, but she was grateful to know these two women. She took them inside the room and they hugged Christine. Christine didn't push them off her but she smiled and appreciated their effort in coming to see her. Jasmine put the flowers in a vase and when Gloria and Mrs Smith decided to leave for work, Jasmine escorted them out.

"So tell me Jasmine, what's going on with you and boss?" Gloria asked as they stood outside the hospitals' entrance.

"Why would you ask me that?" Jasmine arched her brows.

"We're not stupid Jasmine. We've noticed how the both of you have changed ever since you came back from his sister's wedding," Gloria said, folding her arms.

"It's true Jasmine." Mrs Smith agreed.
"We're not trying to pry into your personal life but it's pretty obvious that something is definitely going on between you too."

"Yeah. Everytime you see boss coming or when he's near you, you're always blushing and smiling like a big fool." Gloria told her.

Jasmine flushed, realizing that her two colleagues knew all along. She let out a chuckle. "I don't smile like a fool and there's nothing going on between us."

Gloria sighed and said to Mrs Smith.
"See, I told you she would deny it."

"I'm not denying anything." Jasmine sighed. "Okay fine. I like Raymond but what does it matter? He doesn't even like me."

Gloria and Mrs Smith let out a laugh.
Jasmine frowned, confused at their sudden outburst.

"Shut up girl. That fine, sexy man doesn't like you. He fucking loves you," Gloria said.

Jasmine shook her head, refusing to believe Gloria's words. "No, he doesn't."

"Look Jasmine." Gloria placed a hand on Jasmine's shoulder. "With the way boss always looks at you and everything, it's pretty obvious he loves you and you know it."

"But I asked him if he loves me and he said no." Jasmine told them.

Mrs Smith furrowed her brows. "Did he actually use the word 'No'?"

Jasmine scratched the back of her neck. "Well, he didn't..he didn't actually use the word. When I asked him he said nothing." She murmured.

"Listen Jasmine, when a man says he loves a woman, he's ready for commitment. Raymond loves you Jasmine, he has changed because of you. Maybe he's scared of commitment that's why he can't bring himself to say those words to you. You just need to be patient and don't give up on your love," Mrs Smith said and Jasmine took in those words, her eyes filled with hope again.

"She's right." Gloria nodded. "Just give him time and when he's ready, he'll surely come around. In the meantime, you take good care of yourself and don't let those ugly bitches steal your man from you," she said and they all laughed.

Jasmine hugged and thanked them again. She waved them goodbye as they left. Going back to Christine's room, a smile stayed on Jasmine's face. They were right, maybe Raymond was actually scared of commitment. She didn't just liked Raymond, she loved him and no matter how long it would take, she would wait for him to finally open up to her.

Jasmine went home to change and came back to the hospital. Christain had gone to work and so Jasmine was alone with Christine. After her dinner, Christine fell into a natural healthy sleep as Jasmine stroked her back.

Jasmine sat on the chair as she held Christine's hand. There was a light knock at the door and it opened quietly.

Jasmine turned and her heart thumped fast with excitement when she saw Raymond. She got up from the chair as he walked up to her.
He held a bouquet of rose flowers in one hand and the other, he held a basket.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." She gazed at him, fumbling with the hem of her red top.

"How's she?" He asked as he shifted his gaze on Christine.

"She's okay. She just fell asleep an hour ago." She answered.

He sighed and focused his gaze on Jasmine. "I brought her this," he said and gave her the bouquet. "I didn't know what she would like, so I went for the flowers."

"Thanks. She'll love it." Jasmine took the flowers from him. "What's in the basket?" She asked.

"Just chicken, shrimp, spaghetti and pie for dessert. My house keeper made it and... I brought a glass of wine," he said to her.

She licked her lower lips slowly, her eyes on the basket as she couldn't wait to taste it.

He let out a soft laugh. "You look like you haven't had any meal all day."

She rolled her eyes at him and chuckled. "I had cheese burger with fries."

"It doesn't count as a meal." He scoffed.


He laughed quietly, dropped the basket on the floor and pulled Jasmine into his arms. She rested her head on his chest as he buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply, taking in her lovely scent.

"I missed you." He whispered and pressed a long kiss on her forehead.

She smiled, holding him tight on the waist and she closed her eyes. "I missed you."

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