chapter 22

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He found himself on a lonely path, everywhere looked grey and there was no life to be seen around.

He looked around as he woundered how he got there.
He tried to remember but his memory was foggy.

"Hello." He called out but was replied by his echoes.

He began walking slowly, glancing around him.
He kept on walking down the path that had no turn.

He stopped as he realized that he had been walking on a dead end.

He called out again, this time his voice was loud as he hoped to hear any sound other than his echoes.

He heard a deep male voice behind him.

He turned to the voice, relief shown on his face as he was glad that he wasn't alone.
But the moment he recognized the face of the man, his eyes shot wide in shock.

He couldn't recognize his voice as fear gripped him.

The man before him was tall, muscular and looked very angry.

" ?" He stuttered staring at the man, eyes wide and frightened.

"You did this," the man said angrily, cutting him off with his lazer sharp stares.

His throat felt dry and his breathing got heavy. This can't be happening!

"You selfish bastard!" The man thundered angrily.
"Look at what you did to her."

"Her?" He shivered as he felt a presence behind him.

He turned back quickly and froze when he saw the lady in white gown.

"No no no no." He staggered to the floor, terrified as his heart beat raced fast.

"Leave me alone!!" He broke down in tears, crawling away from them.

"She wont leave you alone. You did this to her you son of a bitch."
The man boomed angrily walking towards him with the lady by his side, now covered in blood.

"No no no!" He screamed out as they grabbed his leg.
"Leave me alone."



Raymond jerked up from bed with a panicked look on his face as he was soaked in his cold sweat.
Distress and anxiety and fear gripped him as he couldn't stop thinking about the two people he saw in his dream.
Beathing heavily, he looked around in his hazy vision as he tried to recognize his surrounding.

Wiping his palm on his sweaty face, he exhaled sharply and rubbed his sleepy eyes and blinked twice quickly.

He felt a leg on him and turned to the lady on the bed who slept soundly with her lips parted slightly, her black hair covering her face.
When Anna had left, the guest he was expecting arrived shortly. The woman was a client of his.

Peeling her leg off him gently, he got up slowly and walked to the bathroom.

He turned on the tap and splashed cold water on his face several times . Using a towel, he dried his face and his sweaty chest.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and shuddered weakly as his heart sank. His palms were sweaty and his eyes looked anxious and was filled with fear.

Every time he wakes up from his nightmares, he always tried to cry but no tears ever came out. He felt miserable, lonely and empty inside. He had never told anyone about it except his therapist, for they wouldn't understand. No one knew about his struggles, not even his family or Bright.

For many years, he had grieved in his heart silently, wishing for time to go back to amend everything he had broken. He was a shattered man learning to heal but no one knew the depth of his bruises.

After taking his medication, he sat down butt naked on the cold floor and thought of his past. Hoping and praying that maybe, just maybe, he could shed a tear for Ella.

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