A two faced smile

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Snow crunched underfoot as you walked in the busy Snezhnayan streets, going passed people who would curiously peek at the mask you wore. "problem?" was all you would say and they would smile awkwardly and hurry off.

as of this moment, you were heading to port to board the 6th harbingers ship, which you have never seen. gray skies and cold weather gave birth to the white particle known as snow, something you found peace in watching fall.

"Miss Lapsa, Balladeer's boat is this way" called a member, bowing her head with a hand over her chest, "thank you" you followed her. compared to her you seemed a lot smaller but were not to be underestimated.

She led you to a rather plain looking ship but assured you it was quite unique in décor, she boarded with you and led you to your own separate cabin. "So he's Inazuman" she nodded, "If your ever summoned to his office do not be surprised if you find him smoking, He enjoys the sweet scent"

"And you have your own washroom, now i have a few orders i need to finish, have a good day m'lady Lapsa" the fatui member smiled and closed to door, leaving you alone in this unfamiliar cabin.

Within your own privacy, you took off the mask you wore around everyone and took a deep breath, light filled the room from the window, the glass half covered by the oceans water.

you set the mask down on the bedside table and observed all of the Inazuman décor, it was a little bit refreshing to see all the colors, compared to Dottore's taste, you preferred Balladeer's. Then, you felt the ship begin to move.

"Hm? we're heading somewhere already?" you put your mask back on and left your cabin and headed up to the deck.

the ship fleeted from the dock, the one fatui member waving goodbye to you, you waved coyly and looked around. "Hey, where are we heading?" you asked one of the crew members "Liyue harbor, miss" like usual they spoke with bowed heads and a respectful tone. "Alright, where can i find Balladeer?"

He looked up with concern but shrugged, "He comes out every now and again for fresh air every day but he frequently stays in his office or cabin, i think" a sigh escaped you. "So he likes his seclusion.."

With nothing to do, you walked up to the ships bow and leaned against the wall, "Liyue is warm..i guess i can buy new clothes while i'm in town" the waved crashed against the boat, water splashing your face every now and then.

"M'lady, Lord Balladeer requests your presence, immediately" called a diplomat from the deck, drawing your attention from the ocean waves that beat the boat. "Alright" your face void of emotions and your body language showing no fear whatsoever,

A few admirable eyes followed you while others thought you were stupid to have such confidence, wandering the halls for a few spare minutes you finally found the 6th harbingers office.

"You called for me?" you pushed the door open and caught a glimpse of the harbinger and his traditional Inazuman pipe, the sweet scent filled the room to the point it felt suffocating.

"Unfortunately, yes" 

His words were cold and bitter, opposing the sweet smell of the room "Once we dock in Liyue, i want you to track down a specific traveler" he began. tapping the wooden desk, weary, "long blonde hair, yellow eyes, odd clothes..mostly seen with a floating pixie of sorts.."

you raised a brow at his exhausted tone, "You sound tired, should i leave?" he looked up in a hurry, glaring with dark blue eyes. "Listen underling, whether your genuinely worried or just want to climb the fatui ranks does not matter to me. however, if you keep to yourself here i won't kill you, understood?"

"i see, i understand, however sir i am equal in rank to you even as an 'underling' i simply choose not to take the title of harbinger for the sake of my sanity" his violent gaze did not let up instead the two shared a staring contest of sorts.

"Your sanity? How weak are you? if you succumb to power that easily then you don't belong in my branch" he emptied his pipe. "I'm simply being mindful, if i did take the place as a harbinger i would be disrespecting my sister"

You noticed how he rolled his eyes like some sassy teenager, "So you've got a dead sister now too? how did i see that coming?" he snickered, watching the bottom half of your face for any offended expression.

However you learned keeping things hidden from the view of others helped you survive, "Unlike you, i have respect for those i kill and those whom i once loved, especially my sister" you leaned against the wall beside the door.

"Whatever, i couldn't care less. though, i am curious, if your so keen on respecting your dead sister, then why join the most dangerous diplomatic union in Teyvat?" you peered at him through the safety of your mask.

"Sir, i don't feel comfortable answering personal ques-"

"Then consider this an order, If i want an answer I'll get it whether you like it or not"

You frowned, "I..." a low sigh escaped you "I joined so i get power in Snezhnaya and when that happens, i can sniff out whoever killed my sister" His ocean gaze did not change, still holding aggression and perhaps a little bit of pity.

"Not surprising, give me a better answer"

you rolled your eyes, your sass hidden under your mask. "Please, i'm not a joker, i told you the truth just as you ordered me to..no may i leave?" he nodded,  

"I Don't need further disrespect from someone under me, consider this a free pass for being new around here. mouth off again, and you'll be missing a tongue"

With another unseen eye roll you opened the room, until almost in a flash a cold silver blade was held against your throat, "You think I'm lying?" he hissed.

He suppressed your arm movement and kept the cold blade against your skin. "No..sir, my apologies.." with a little shove he pushed you out of his office and closed the door.

you swallowed hard and rubbed your neck to find a very small cut that was barely bleeding. "I think I'll take my chances, Balladeer" you whispered quietly, continuing to disrespect him without his knowledge.

and until you dock in Liyue and get some leisure time, you will continue to be salty.


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