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AN: Yes, i know scara uses a caralyst, i was too far in writing this to change it.

Cw: Violence, blood.

Much to Scara's dismay, you left home base the moment you had woken up. Able to sneak away from the usually protective harbinger.

You felt woozy after passing out, but now, out under the overcast sky, you couldn't feel better. Breathing fresh air, taking in the sun while you could.

Yet, peace was hard to find on an island without civil people. At least, not many civil people.

And here you were, fighting just for the fun of it, just to get your heart pumping again. Just to see blood stain, the silver blade that had been far too clean lately.

You and your blade balanced each other like yin and yang, a beautiful and destructive chaos. Your clothes were starting to get bloody, yet you hardly showed any sign of stopping.

Until every last one was dead.

You didn't stop.

You couldn't.

Finally, the slaughter had come to a stop, and you stopped to think and relish in the high that slowly faded as the fighting stopped.

Covered in blood, your emotions sporadic, and an unclear look in your eyes.

You sighed and looked at your scythe, staring into what little reflection there was. Yet, for the briefest of moments, you saw yourself with yellow eyes, but it was likely a trick of the light. The blade was dirty, after all.

You closed your eyes before you started walking, the purpose of this walk was to let off relax, and you were just wearing yourself out more..this wasn't relaxation.

But how could you relax? You weren't exactly lied to, but you weren't told the truth either, and coming from someone you entrusted even your heart to? It hurt.

So you went, walking along the path, unbothered by the blood staining your clothes. Venturing towards the massive skeleton of the dead deity snake.

"Hm.." You hummed to yourself and walked further down the path, venturing into a small run-down town that people have likely fled from because of the constant raining.

Yet, you walked into a town full of more wandering vagrants who, in the end, began brandishing their swords as you until they noticed the blood and readied their sword out of habit.

"You all think you're going to make it out of this alive?" You readied your own weapon and laughed, "the last group i slaughtered looked pretty hopeful too." You grinned, and the fight began as you rushed at them.

You didn't even need a vision. They were so weak compared to you that in a single breath, you had beat them.

It wasn't a rush with so few, so you brushed it off and just kept walking towards the massive snake head. It was green, and the clouds were darkening with the sounds of thunder in the distance.

It didn't quite smell like rain yet, so you felt safe continuing your walk. You were so close anyway, why stop here?

You paused when you heard running, glancing over your shoulder to see Scara racing after you. "What do you want?" You inquired bitterly and narrowed your eyes as he came to a stop in front of you.

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