Woven dream, Wolf and sheep

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The wind was harsh in the nation as you walked the roads using Scaramouche as your wind break. You took in the familiar sights as you walked the path to a place you once called home, "Oh hey..some flowers" you strayed off the path, crouching down in a small patch of flowers. "These are called Viper's shade, they bloom around this time of year" the harbinger leaned down slightly.

"They sound poisonous, eat one" he ordered, "No, they aren't very potent but it would put me down for a day or two, if you really want potent poison then you'll have to find some Belladonna. The berries are more potent then the leaves or flowers, but are just as dangerous" what a way to start off your trek into the nation, observing a poisonous plant.

"Whatever, let's go, we're losing daylight" his voice was demanding, more of an order then anything. "We're a five minute walk away from my old house, most of the maids are my age and were raised in that house just like me so they'll likely realize who i am". You treaded the dirt path lightly with melancholy in your eyes, though he could not see it, your silence was enough to tell him.

"You look more depressed then a traumatized kid, get a grip before i force you to myself" you rolled your eyes "Go on then, good luck" you treaded ahead, leaving the harbinger in the dust as the pair approached a large manor. You hummed a Fontainian song as you knocked on the large doors, the sound of dress shoes came from inside.

The door opened with an older woman in the doorway, "Lizzy?" the older woman looked up at you with teary eyes. "I thought you would be retired by now, Lizzy.." the old maid hugged you and squeezed you so tight you thought whatever soul was left in your body, "Well some old coot has to keep your mother company after Lilia's death and all..who is this?"

Scaramouche stepped onto the porch and greeted the maid with a small nod, "He is..a friend" Lizzy let you go and stepped away from the door to let you in. The open hall was lavishly decorated with a crystal chandelier hanging in the center, "I see it's still the same" Lizzy bowed her head as Scaramouche entered and observed the room.

"Is mom asleep?" Lizzy closed the door and shook her head, "No she just ate, i believe she's reading papers right now" you sighed "Alright, you can show him around if you want, he's not very keen on socializing though" the harbinger scoffed as you made your way to the nearby staircase.

"I will instruct another maid to do it, I must get ready to head to the city" you gently grasped the rail and stepped up the stairs, "Alright.." seeing you preoccupied with going to visit your mother, Scaramouche seemed rather suspicious of something. His gaze followed Lizzie as she made her way to the servants wing.

Her clothing is slightly oversized..you'd think for such a prestigious family their maids would have maid outfits that fit them..

As she disappeared around the corner he followed, as silent as the gentle breeze, it was like his body was cloaked under a hazy smog. He was invisible to the naked eye, blueish purple gaze glowing with curiosity of a different kind.

He wasn't able to follow much further though as she disappeared behind a door where she was most likely changing. So he relinquished his for and sighed, from this point on he choose to explore the manor as if it somewhat reminded him of an old home. 

"it's been a while mom, glad to see you're still alive" the middle aged woman looked up from a sheet of paper with a small smile on her face. "Glad to see you're alive as well, how has life as a criminal been treating you?" she questioned as she brought her eyes back to her paper, "quite nicely actually, how has life as a bedridden noble been treating you?". 

She chuckled and set the paper down, "I forget i raised you with your fathers sharp tongue, Who let you in?" you pulled over a chair. "Lizzie let me in.." your mother tilted her head, "Pardon?" you looked up with a raised brow "Uh..Lizzie let me in?" your mother looked more confused then you did.

"Lizzie retired a few years ago, she stops by now and then but..she's not here" you chuckled, not believe a word the woman said. "All the maids and servants that work here aren't informed of Lilia's death, she's worked here since we were kids, she's the only one who knows and she mentioned it"

You watched as your mother's expression remained confused and somewhat worried, then realization hit you. You ran over to the glass door's that opened to a stone balcony, it hug over the main entrance and had a view of the path in and out of the house which was the only one servants were able to use.

On that path was a Lizzie..or that's what it appeared to be, who ever was hiding as Lizzie was hiding no longer. She imitated pulling a mask off her face and the gray hair put into a bun turned a darker shade of your own hair, then she turned around and you became frozen in place as the face registered.

Her voice was quiet, and a sadistic smile was on her face "Sister..you've found me~" you scrambled to get over the balcony and using the many decorative statues and such on the manor you reached the ground safely and yet..no matter how fast you went..she was gone.

Like she vanished in thin air, this left you devastated, in a state of dismay your legs gave out and you let yourself drop. You weren't one to cry really, it wasn't your thing to be fair, and yet from under your mask the clear liquid seeped out.

In your state of dismay you lost consciousness, your body completely giving up due to the heavy mental strain you were put under.

"Talk about poor hospitality"

I wonder which will get you killed faster

your loyalty or your stubbornness

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