Dreams, Dances, Death

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"I don't wanna be here, i don't want to work~" you mused with a sing song tone as you left the Inn. Your day was, to put it simply, ruined.

Anything to do with Dottore made you feel awful, just mentioning him brought your mood down. His letters were usually long and complicated, difficult to read or his tone of writing sounds sarcastic and unpleasant, just a step away from being in front of him but without the whole piece of shit before you.

At the very least you didn't have to see him, while you might admit he looks better then he did when he was younger, his looks didn't make you like him in the first place anyway.

Your thoughts were all over the place, so as you came up on the Kanjou household you snapped yourself out of it, one of the guards stopped you and asked for your business.

"I was told to come here, my name is Y/n, i'm a Snezhnayan diplomat" you stated calmly and adjusted your mask with a sigh, the guard shook his head as you did so. "There is already a high ranking diplomat here" he stated and narrowed his eyes, "and? I'm higher ranking then her anyway..in strength at least" you sighed.

He shook his head again, though seemingly at the perfect moment, the woman you were looking for strutted up casually. "Shes telling the truth, now go" she ordered and the guard sighed and walked away.

"I'm guessing we can't speak here?" You stated and crossed your arms and she nodded, "naturally, come along. Theres a room prepared for you already" she hummed and turned around and started walking back, expecting you to follow, which you did.

"I got Dott- or The Doctors letter, he said he sent my medicine to you directly?" You inquired as you entered the Kanjou Manor. "Yes, he did. I've kept it in a safe place, not to worry" she responded short and simple like usual.

She was always formal and right to the point, it made her relatively boring to be around when she was in work mode, she was pleasant when she's more relaxed though.

"You're quiet today" she stated and glanced at you, "am i? Guess so, haven't slept well, been running all over Narukami..i'm tired, oh, and the traveler left Ritou and went towards the shrine..maybe Chinju forest, they talked to a guy before leaving, he was blonde with red clothes, i believe he said he works for the Yshiro commission".

Signora paused, trying to separate herself from work mode for another spare moment. "When i ask for a report i expect the details, for now" she stopped in front of a door and dissappeared inside and came out again with a vial of grayish blue liquid.

"Looks about as delicious as usual.." you grumbled and carefully took the vial. "Suppose as a doctor he has no interest in making things appetizing" Signora stated and crossed her arms. "This should help you sleep, yes? How have you been fairing without it?".

"Ah..well, i thought you'd be the first to know, makes me wonder how that bastard found out before you.." she narrowed her eyes for a moment before speaking, "tell me on the way back" she hummed.

"Well, do you want the whole story or?" You asked as she started walking and you quickly matched her pace. "Well, the walk isn't too long, as much as i want details, make it quick".

"Alright, short and sweet, it was mostly a very sweet and sleepy confession. We were both quite drained after a mission and on the carriage ride back i fell asleep and woke up to him leaning onto me, and me leaning onto him. After that, one thing led to another, we kissed, then i ended up staying the night with him and slept unexpectedly well"

Secretive (Scaramouche x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt