Gentle eyed

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Three days passed like lightning and as soon as you caught your breath you were saying goodbye to Childe's family. Teucer was on the brink of tears while the two older siblings wished you off, good will on their tongues.

"Please be careful..oh! And i made this for you! Anthon and Teucer pitched in a little bit but i did most of it" Tonia handed you a small cake carefully decorated with purple and blue frosting. Not only that but you could clearly tell which little stick person was who, Teucer's had his hat on Anthon had a smirk and Tonia's had her hair pin.

You gave the children a painful smile as you had nothing to gift them in return, "I'm sure next time i come back I'll convince the Tsaritsa to allow Childe to have a break" Their eyes instantly lit up at the mention of there brother's return. "i know it's a stretch to say this since you lost your sibling and all.."

Tonia sighed, "We love you like our big sister, Y/n so please be careful" you didn't want them to see you get so sentimental over something so small. You just smiled and started to walk away carefully holding the cake in your hand, "You can share that cake with your boss if you want!" Tonia yelled. Out of embarrassment you just kept walking.

==( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━┓==

The boat was docked on the icy harbor, a few diplomats and fresh recruits chatting on the docks while workers made sure the boat was ready to leave the harbor. You carefully made your way onto the boat and made your way over to the cabin you resided in, fortunate enough not to have a shared cabin but unfortunate enough for it to be rather close to your bosses.

You opened the door and set the cake on a small round table while you got comfortable, "Mochi" the cat was trying to get up onto the table to get a taste of the cake. "tsk tsk, i already give you plenty of food, you don't need to fatten up on a cake" You picked the cat up and set him on the bed where he fell over and began to doze off.

"i should really look at my dress options now right? yeah probably.." you didn't have very good taste when it came to dresses but luckily Signora was kind enough to give you a few options, when she gave them to you she said "With these dresses, there is no wrong answer" and left them with you.

One dress was a dark blue, it seemed to have been made in Liyue depending on the texture of the silk. It had a slit in the side so you would be able to move a bit more freely and it faded to a purple or magenta at the bottom.

One of the others was black, it would be tight around the waist but was long and flowy so you had room to move around but it wasn't something that suited your tastes so it was already a no go.

And finally a classical Fontain styled dress, it just looked puffy and suffocating all on it's own and if you tried to put it on heaven forbid you actually get it off on your own. So that one was an instant no go, besides Fontain's style wasn't exactly the most practical in your situation.

You packed away the other two dresses and left the chosen one hanging in a small closet, "I'll have to buy some heavy makeup unless i want to attend a party with a mask.." suddenly the door gently shook as someone politely knocked so it was obvious it wasn't Balladeer. "Come in" you yelled after hastily putting your mask on, "Miss oh..what was i supposed to call you again?"

The younger looking girl with her fatui mask on scratched her head and looked anxious, "Chat venimeux is my code name but i'm called Katalina for short" the anxious underling sighed. "I apologize i am a new recruit..i know i should have remembered this stuff by now but.." you smiled at the girl, "I am much more lenient then my boss.."

Her eyes subconsciously wandered to the three dress choices on the bed, she wanted to ask about them but was fearful she'd receive a swift punishment. "Right what i came here for" she brought out a bag full of something carefully packaged from behind her back. "Lady Signora asked i give you this..i think she said it was makeup or something" you blinked for a moment, stunned.

"How did she know?" the new recruit set the bag on the table next to the small decorated cake, "I don't want to be unprofessional but.." she looked at the little child-like stick figures. "Your kids?" she asked to which you responded with a frantic had shake and an awkward smile "No..actually i'm good friends with the eleventh harbinger so whenever i'm in Snezhnaya I stay with them, i consider them my siblings"

She smiled "I bet you're really pretty, you probably have a boyfriend right?" the girl covered her mouth "i-i'm sorry! I shouldn't ask such personal things that was really unprofessional.." you began to pack up the other dresses after hanging up the one you would wear to the party. "I don't have a lover, sometimes i wish i did..but anyway are you working here on the ship?" the girl nodded, "I'm one of the emissaries for the 6th harbinger, but since i'm new i'm given less difficult tasks"

"I see, then why would you be giving me something from Signora..?" her smile became fragile, "Um.." her mind worked hard to come up with an excuse "She approached me after the new recruits were baptized, since she knew i worked for the same harbinger you worked under she knew i'd be able to contact you easier then she would" you shrugged. "That makes more sense then Balladeer gifting me makeup..but how would she know i would require it?"

"That stupid newbie better not fuck this up.."

The mind is fooled by the eyes
when the heart only feels lies

Secretive (Scaramouche x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang