Fate's bloody string

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She put her mask back on, her shiny eyes once again hidden in the shadows of her mask. "Now, what are me looking for again?" Scaramouche scowled "the hell was that?!" he trudged up to her and once more removed the mask from her face and closely observed the 'scar'.

It shimmered with starlight but at the same moment it was an inky black void prepared to swallow anything up. She didn't like the close proximity at all, "Step back or I'll.." he scowled and stepped away, tossing her mask back to her.

"You'll what?" he inquired, daring her to make a move. She fell silent, quickly putting her mask back on "That's what i thought..now we have a traveler to catch" he hummed bitterly with a grin.

"Using you're position to satisfy you're stupid curiosity.." she murmured, forcing herself to follow the harbinger grudgingly. "I'm stronger then you so i'd shut my mouth" He hissed, traveling the path to Wangshu inn with the livid underling behind him with an angry frown.

The sun pounded against the girl and her peers hat, warm but undeniably cold; at least between the harbinger and her. But she stayed silent prone to her given orders, "May i?" she began, speeding up her pace to match his.

"hurry up, you're voice gives me a headache" She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, "In case we run into Aether and Paimon, i think i should walk on the sidelines instead of the center of the path.."

She glanced over and slightly up at him, "that is a surprisingly good idea.." he mumbled "What was that? I didn't hear you clear enough my dear Balladeer" she giggled at her antics but in turn got shoved off the path, but luckily kept her balance with ease.

"Hey asshole! take a damn joke!" she hollard but just heard a loud and purely cheerful laugh as a response "dickhead.." she mumbled, beginning to move along the brush and bushes and occasionally jumping over small stone walls.

but she stopped and froze when she caught glance of the blond traveler and his emergency food, they were accompanied by another blond character with dark clothing, mostly purple and black along with a bird.

She was pretty but she didn't look at all like Aether's sister.

They approached a cart where Scaramouche had stopped to help someone who seemed to have passed out, or he pretended to help.

She couldn't catch much after that because her attention was drawn to a character who's golden eyes fixated on her with anger and possible hostility. she stared, losing focus on her peer and her friend but he couldn't see her eyes and only glared at the mysterious masked woman.

but in an instance he was gone, like he was blown away with the gentlest breeze that barely swayed a leaf on a branch. But after he was gone she realized how long she had been staring, "Shit shit shit.."

she peeked from the branches again, seeing that not only the traveler was gone but also the electro user. "dammit.." she stood up and removed any plants or leaves in her hair then hurried out of her hiding place.

Hell would break loose if he figured out she wasn't paying the slightest attention to where and what happened. She eventually gave up completely losing sight of him, instead the person she found was the one she was supposed to practically stalk.

"Y/n!" Aether hollard, halting the masked fatui girl in a moment "A-Aether..?" she looked over her shoulder, her brows pinching together with worry. "It's been a while! What are you doing here? Does this mean Childe's at Wangshu inn?"

Last time she encountered the blond and his emergency food was when she still served under Childe in Liyue, granted i don't believe he's gotten the chance to leave yet after returning from Snezhnaya after acquiring the Geo archons gnosis.

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