Brief enjoyment

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Strap in, this is a long one.

"I should debrief you before we arrive"

"You should have done that ages ago"

He looked from the window to you with a scowl, "I'm sorry, we ended up spending the night at your old place and you were too fucking distraught" he responded sarcastically. "Well..! ugh..fine, get on with it" you leaned your elbow against the window sill to look at him, He cleared his throat and moved over a bit so you were right across from eachother.

"First off you don't even know who the target is and what he's the target for" he prodded the pocket inside his suit coat and passed you a folded sheet of paper. "He's wanted by the Fatui for stealing sensitive information and selling it, an agent was sent to kill him multiple times but they never returned"

"So we were brought into the mix" he shook his head "It's more appropriate for a proper assassin such as yourself to kill him, not a harbinger" you wore the word bullshit on your face with the expression you made. "Of all times now you're trying to be professional? I think we're passed that point my friend" he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, I'm only coming along because i was told to 'keep you in check' or whatever the Tsaritsa said, coincidentally, Dottore was the one who warned me you can get out of control at times" you scoffed and set the paper aside before crossing your arms.

"Yeah him of all people would fuckin know best" you responded bitterly and slumped into your seat, "Care to elaborate?" Scara inquired as you looked up. "Let's just say, i would have better control if that asshole wasn't such a mad scientist" he raised a brow but knew pressing further would bear no results.

"Fine, continue reading that profile, i think we're almost there" you glanced out the window and sighed, reaching for the thin sheet and scanning over it. "I've seen him before.." you looked around and grabbed a pencil from a hidden cupboard and scribbled a top hat onto the picture of the man.

"With a fancy top hat looking down at me! This bastard was the one who mistook be for a servant, fan-fuckin-tastic! I get to kill this bastard and maybe his stupid little guard lady too.." he watched you giggle and start to laugh maniacally yourself. "You are something else.." he muttered, slightly smiling to himself in self enjoyment as you relaxed and composed yourself.

"I can't wait to see their faces, oh! Now that i think about it i haven't been seen within the nation since before i was in the Fatui ooh i wonder how many old faces we'll see" as if Dottore had complete left your mind, your posture straightened and a smile painted your face about what the near future held.


You were scribbling things on the back of the profile paper when the carriage came to a halt and the small sliding piece of wood that separated you from the coachman opened. "We're here M'lady" you turned a little and nodded, then it closed and the carriage slightly shook as it stopped and the coachman came around and opened the door.

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