Lady in red, gentleman in violet

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The fog had dispersed the closer you got to the sea, luckily one of the butler's offered you and Scaramouche a ride in one of the carriages. The silence the two shared was a little awkward and a little uncomfortable, Neither of you spoke and both stared out the opposite windows.

This was something your mother always told you was going to happen, but never like this. "Soo.." you mumbled whilst still keeping your gaze on what was out the window, "So, what?" he looked over to see you weren't trying to make eye contact at all.

"So..are you gonna wear formal clothes or..just something you don't usually wear..?" his eyes narrowed "I don't know, are you wearing that stupid mask on this mission?" you frowned. "You know I'm not.." he crossed his arms "Then why are you wearing it when we're alone, you know to take your mask off when you speak to me".

"I know.."

"Then why are you wearing it?"

You swallowed hard and sighed "Or, was i right earlier, You're embarrassed" you glanced over at his sly grin. "That's rich, i can't miss that expression from you" he leaned over and trapped you in the corner of the carriage.

"Y-you don't have corner me i'll take it off.." seeing he had a new power over you made him lean back, You slowly took off you mask after taking a deep breath. "there happy?" that same grin stayed on his face as your embarrassed expression came into view.

"You look better with that face"

"Piss off asshole"

You set your mask on your lap and looked away, hoping the cool temperature would cool down your burning face.

The hydro archon is sad again today..

✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲

You were quick to get out of the carriage, eager to avoid the harbinger even with your mask on; you didn't even know what's gotten into you to make the lingering feeling of embarrassment last. But you clogged your mind with the thought of seeing Mochi, briskly waving to the butler before boarding the ship and rushing to your room.

From the moment you entered the familiar hall, the sound of yowling and meowing echoed to your ears. When you heard this you started to jog again to your room and let the door fly open, "Mochi!" the cat eagerly lunged at you and nuzzled your arm and chest as you held him and carried him back inside.

"You didn't get into my cake somehow did you?" you set him down and pulled your dress out of the closet and picked up the bag of makeup made special for this occasion. "ohh where's my thy strap.." you rummaged around through the small dresser and found the accessory.

You unhooked your vision from it's clip on your shoulder and place it in a shallow depression in the black leather strap and smiled at the sound of the satisfying snap of it clicking into place. Next in line to do was change into your dress and find the flats you were going to wear, then hair and makeup then done.

Mochi bothered you a bunch, begging for attention whenever you had a moment to breath and weren't hurrying to get ready.

The slit in the side of the dress revealed one of your legs and thats where the thy strap was, it also allowed for better movement so you crouched down and gave Mochi some attention before continuing to get ready.


"You're taking forever, y'know" you froze and looked towards the door, it was still closed, "I'm surprised you didn't barge in" you could slightly hear his scoff through the door. "Just hurry up, we're supposed to leave soon" you scrunched your face up in annoyance before grabbing the invitation you left on the table.

You opened the door and peeked out, Scaramouche was leaning against the opposite wall next to the door to his office. "Nice suit.." you stepped out, doing your best to keep a stoic expression before putting your mask on, he seemed in awe for a moment before regaining his composure "You're not wearing that".

"I'm only wearing it until we get into the carriage"

"You won't let people see your face even if it looks normal unless it's your noble friends?"

"The nobles in the hall the party is being held at will all be dead before midnight, i don't have to worry about them seeing my face and living to spread the word"

He smiled and pushed off the wall, "Let's go then?" you blinked in confusion for a moment "You sound too nice.." he scowled "I'm trying to practice not wanting to rip you apart" you smiled. "Rip me apart in what way?" you teased, your spunky self returning once his aggressive and easily pissed off side returned.

"I swear.." he pinched the bridge of his nose, visibly irritated "Y'know, you look good in a fancy suit, i didn't think you'd wear something purple though" he lowered his hand and shoved it in his pocket. "Looks to me you tried to match your vision" you smiled, "I haven't even seen your vision, i wonder where you hide it".

He looked off to the side, you noticed this and looked over at him "I'm not teasing i'm genuinely curious, after all everyone needs a vision to use an element" he masked whatever he was feeling. "Mhm" was his simple response, leaving the conversation there.

It wasn't until you were in the carriage and half way to the party that you realized you forgot whatever was in the box your mother gave you.

Who were you
Before they broke your heart?

Who were youBefore they broke your heart?

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