Cat lover

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In your anguish and confusion, a familiar voice interrupted your terrifying thoughts. "I have never seen you out so late, something troubling you?" inquired a low voice. You looked over your shoulder and slightly smiled, "Actually yes, but why are you out so late Zhongli?"

The former archon hid his face a bit as he yawned, "I awoke at this time for some odd reason, perhaps you are in need of company or comfort?" he tilted his head and glanced at the thin paper in your fingers. "'s nothing you have to worry about, Fatui stuff"

The wise man shook his head, "I didn't see a fatui seal on it..i apologize if i am being a bit invading" you looked up at the taller male and shook your head. "No you're right, would it bother you if i spewed some personal problems? I..don't really have anyone but my cat to rant to"

A gentle smile plastered his handsome face, "Why not talk with Childe or your new boss, Childe is a rather welcoming character when it shortens down to family matters.." hearing him mention family problems made you suspicious, "I have never mentioned my family matters around you..did Childe run his mouth?"

Zhongli sighed, "well he was talking to me about his family and the conversation bled into talking about yours, you have a living relative?" you scratched the back of your head. "Yes, my mother..she's bedridden though and under special care so i am not in contact with her very often"

"I see..and your sister whom is passed on?" you raised the letter and skimmed over it, contemplating whether he was trust worthy enough to keep this to himself. "Zhongli, can you not run your mouth like Childe and perhaps keep what i'm about to let you read a secret?" the retired archon slowly nodded his head.

"I am your friend, after all. And I've kept my own secret from even my closest associates" he carefully took the folded letter from your hand and skimmed over the more defining details of the letter. He remained silent, drawing his hand to his chin and scowling slightly "I seems to me your sibling has lost the part of her that seemed to enjoy life and now wants to make others, or more specifically; you..miserable"

"but what i fail to understand is how she's alive..i watched her die, a stupid beast emerged from the abyss and dragged her down into it and i followed only to see it drag her into the depths i watched helplessly.." Zhongli offered his arms for consolation. "I understand none around you are very comforting people..this is your final night in Liyue correct?"

You allowed him to wrap his arms around your smaller body, you didn't allow yourself to cry as it was tantamount to showing your guard was down. "perhaps instead of burying yourself in work, you should take a break whilst you are in Snezhnaya" you nodded and breathed deeply. "Thank you Zhongli, if it wasn't so late i'd offer you some tea"

Once you broke the hug, he pat your head and smiled "No need, go get some sleep if you can.." he quietly watched you stumble away coughing a few times before he lost sight of you. "poor girl doesn't deserve what she must go through"


Once you reached your room again you fell right back into slumber and luckily found it was somewhat nice, not troubled by images and screams. But the sun came to early and ruined such a nice experience and it seems someone came to personally wake you up.

"I had a feeling you were gonna be late, get up you idiot!" you rubbed your eyes and sat up, glancing out the window to see the sun peeking over the horizon. "I'm not late, the suns barely up!" you stumbled over to the door and unlocked it then wandered into the bathroom.

The door opened and he glanced around, becoming more interested in Mochi then strictly convincing you how late you would be if he didn't wake you up. "You just love cats don't you" Mochi purred but jumped off the bed and ran over to you as you walked out of the bathroom brushing your hair.

"Whether i am or not isn't your business, if i didn't wake you up you'd have to take the next boat to Snezhnaya with your own mora so i'm doing you a favor" he crossed his arms and looked down at you. "Oh? the all mighty 6th harbinger is saving me a few mora? how generous..but to honest why do you care?"

The harbinger blinked a few times, trying to think of a good reason why he would care. "Aww are you actually trying to befriend me? How sweet" you grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom while he got preoccupied with Mochi again.

But Mochi wasn't all Balladeer was focused on, his gaze found the paper letter and instantly became somewhat intrigued. While the cat trotted around the room, he carefully and quietly skimmed through the letter. "i don't believe i gave you permission to look through my letter" no hesitation you snatched the paper form his fingers and folded it so he could no longer easily view it.

"i don't need your permission..but what i can gather is your sister is no longer dead" There was really no point in hiding it now if he already read most of the letter. "You better keep your goddamn mouth shut or i swear on celestia above" he crossed his arms, giving you a daring look.

"You're too slow to win a fight against me, your brute strength won't ever be enough" you stepped closer to him, bringing your enraged expression in staring dead in his eyes only mere inches from his face. "Maybe, but i could easily jeopardize every upcoming mission you are given if you so much as whisper what you've read. Because i did not trust you with this info therefor you will suffer the consequences if you share it.."

He seemed rather unfazed, glaring down at you with a undying blue flame in his marine eyes "Is that so?" the look in his eye abruptly because more playful, perhaps teasing. A small smile graced his face as he grabbed your chin harshly, "What will you do? Hmm..? Your face seems red, and the occasional panic in your eyes.."

You slapped his hand away, stepping back and glaring at him with a flushed face, The playful light in his eyes dispersed instantly once you were out of his grasp. "Get out" you growled, narrowing your gaze and holding your ground, "Fine, i expect you at the boat in twenty minutes" he gave Mochi a final scratch before leaving without sparing you a glance.

A heavy breath left you, for a few minutes you had to ask yourself 'What the hell did he just do and why did he do it? and to me!?' he looked and acted normal when he came in and yet he became playful, maybe even teased you a bit though that is a bit bold.

You wouldn't dare look him in the eye again for a while, not without your mask at the very least..

Soon you left your hotel to get to the boat, quickly saying goodbye to Childe and Zhongli whom came to see you off. Then off to the boat you went, though you didn't purposely avoid your boss, you still tried to keep your distance from his whenever he came out of his cabin.

but occasionally he would walk over to Mochi who remained beside you, and gave her some attention if you were asleep under the sun...

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