Sweeter moments

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The ship gently rocked back and forth, silent on the water as the sun peeked over the ocean horizon. Everyone was asleep, the morning dew beginning to coat the port, Much to your dismay your mind awoke and soon your body followed.

Your eyes slowly opened; lifting your arms up in almost a cat like stretch, upon doing so you felt small movement by your legs then Mochi surprised you, walking on and sitting on your chest. "hm.." you coughed, clearing your throat "morning Mochi" you scratched the furry creature behind his ears.

"hmmugh.." you looked to your side, smiling at his derpy sleeping face "girls rule boys drool, as they say" Mochi crawled down in between the two of you and settled into a loaf. You gently combed your hand through the cats fur, listening to his soft purr.

"When did.." you perked up as he cleared his throat, "When did the cat get in here.." you shrugged, "i must've left the doors open.." he grumbled something before pulling you closer, disregarding the cat. "ah- what-" he murmured a soft hush under his breath, said breath fanning over your ear.

You shuddered quietly, "Hey" he whispered "you're shaking" he rubbed circles on the back of your hand. You swallowed hard, which he obviously heard "Bad dream?" he inquired softly, leaning away and looking at you in curiosity. You crippled a bit under such an unusually gentle stare, "Yeah, they're normal though, I'll be fine".

It was like he became a different person in the early morning, like the morning sun was melting away the ice that coated his heart. He held your chin, tracing the outline of your lips with his thumb, "Are you sick or something?" you whispered as this gentle act continued.

"No, just enjoying the view" your eyes narrowed, "What View.." he hummed, "You" you gently grabbed his wrist and smiled. Snuggling closer, Mochi crawled out from between you both and went to lay by Scara's back. "I haven't felt this since.." you scratched your cheek in thought, "Hell Dottore wasn't this gentle, safe to say i've never been held so close before".

He held you close, stroking your head in a melancholy way "Hmm.." he hummed, you snuck your arm around his shoulder and combed your hand through his hair. "Your hair's all knotty" he melted into your touch like a cat, "mhm.." he hummed.

"seriously though, are you feeling well? You're never so..sweet?" his violet gaze narrowed, "I'm your boyfriend now, idiot, isn't this what i'm supposed to do?" you chuckled. "i really wouldn't know, but i like it" you squeezed him tight in an embrace, "Could i kiss you Scara? like, properly this time?".

His brows raised in surprise, "Kiss..me?" you nodded "Last night i hesitated..otherwise i would have actually kissed you properly" you shifted a bit; leaning your face closer to his while awaiting an answer. He sighed, stroking your head "No..go back to sleep" he was obviously a bit flushed and was telling you to go back to sleep as a distraction.

"Sorry sir, i'm already awake..might go take a bath though, how big is your bathroom?" the topic quickly changed, changing so quick that he was surprised for a moment. "My bathroom..? Ah, it's.." he sighed and shook his head "go look for yourself" he said bitterly.

"Hm? Alright" you sat up and stretched, "Oh.." you looked back down and giggled at his defeated expression. "Hmm? Want me to stay~?" his eyes widened in surprise that she had caught him with such an expression, "tsk, go take your bath".

You smiled and slowly, ever so slowly picked out articles of clothing quietly to make sure he couldn't see you picking out an oversized black shirt of his. He tossed and turned occasionally but ultimately he ended up back asleep in a few minutes, "heh.." you covered your mouth and laughed before disappearing into the surprisingly big bathroom.

Secretive (Scaramouche x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz