Maiden unmasked

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Early morning light peeked through the thin curtains of the room you chose as your own, outside it was chilly and the fog created an eerie outdoor atmosphere. For once, you felt refreshed as you woke up, your usually dry eyes weren't very dry and your muscles didn't feel as sore as they usually would.

You squeezed whatever you were holding before opening your eyes, you slowly realized what you were holding onto wasn't a pillow. You squealed and let go, shuffling away, He lifted his head and sighed "What's your problem.." he mumbled softly. He could obviously tell you were surprised but he couldn't place why, "why..why are you..".

"I had no where to sleep and you practically offered this option to me" you sat there with your mouth agape "Out of the dozens of room.." he rubbed his eyes. "You chose to sleep in the same bed as one of your subordinates?!" he scowled, "Again, you practically offered me this"

"I did not! I was fucking with you like i always do! You weren't supposed to take it seriously!" He sighed, then he leaned close to you and grabbed your chin. "Calm down, It's too early for you to be giving me a headache" with his face mere inches from yours, you fell silent and couldn't bring yourself to speak.

Was this fear? I don't think so, he knew you had nothing to fear when it came to him, so what was bringing you to silence? Well.. "i- u-uhm" he let you go and scratched his head. "I- I'm gonna go see if..if my mother is up.." your feet touched the cold hardwood and you hurried off, neglecting your bed head and whole messy attire.

You slammed the door shut and sighed heavily, Meanwhile back inside the room..

"I'm terrible at this.." he mumbled to himself, flopping backwards onto the pillow, "It's far too early for this anyway.." and he once again fell asleep while you rushed upstairs. The maids and butler's were still asleep in their separate parts of the manor so your quiet footsteps against the hardwood stairs was that only sound that echoed in the house.

You were fast and your heart still hadn't finished throbbing against it's cage, you practically ran to your mothers room and peeked from the door to see she was awake and was reading something with morning tea. Now, your mothers health was fragile but she was recovering so attached to her room was the nurse that volunteered to watch over her.

"Mom" you opened and closed the door with your head hanging down almost as if in shame, "What's wrong?" she inquired, setting her book down on her lap to give you her full attention. You thought back to what just happened when you woke up and your face seemed to burst into flames, you were so flushed that the tips of your ears were turning red too.

"Did he.." you shook your head, "No he just.." you swallowed hard and played with your hands as you approached your mothers bedside. "Last night i teased him because he wasn't given a room by one of the servants so he said he was just going to sleep in the chair by the table in my room, i teased him and he took it seriously and..".

Your mother chuckled, "So.." she crossed her arms "..out of the dozens of rooms.." you rubbed your head "He chose to sleep in the same bed as one of his underlings, quite the adventure" she sipped her tea with a grin. "Mom! I said nothing like that happened it's just.." your mother nodded in understanding.

"I know, i was teasing. I had a conversation with him yesterday just before you woke up or it was when you woke up, truth be told from what i deduct he holds you in high regard and the fact that when he heard you had awoken he rushed out of here like his life depended on it"

This did somewhat comfort you, but you had no clue if you would be able to face him without bursting into flames on sight. "What happened to the confident girl i call my daughter?" she reached up and rubbed your head, "Go get changed, i hear this party is tonight yes? Take my invitation it's in the records desk in the maid quarters".

You blinked "it's already today!? Shit we gotta go, my dress is on the ship!" you ran over and opened the door then turned to give your mom a final glance. "Sorry for calling you a bedridden noble" the middle aged woman slightly smiled, "though you're a criminal, i'm sorry for pointing it out" you rolled your eyes and closed the door.

Since you assumed Scara had fallen back asleep you snuck in first to get your change of clothes and your mask before going to change in a different room and returning, hiding your face with your mask. "Hey! Wake up!" your precaution was your mask and you were glad to have it because your face underneath was on fire.

He rolled over and look up at you, "Fuck off.." he mumbled "The parties tonight and we don't even have our outfits! We have to go to the ship now if we're gonna be ready in time!" he sat up and sighed. "Fine, but why are you wearing your mask?" he thought for a moment then grinned to himself.

"Are you embarrassed?" he watched your face twist with a frown, since he could only see your mouth. "That isn't important! Get up! I'm not waiting for you!" you speed walked to the door and slammed it closed as you hurried to the manor's exit.

"M'lady!" a butler yelled from down the hall, You looked over your shoulder "Oh, um yes?" the butler rushed over to you with a case in his hand. "What's this?" you took the box and were about to open it, "Your mother said not to open it until you're dolled up for the parties" you looked up and tilted your head.

"why?" he shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I'm sure you'll look beautiful when you're all dressed up" he smiled and waved. "Have a good day, m'lady" he bound before turning down the hall again, You looked down at the box in your hand.

It was perfectly cut and smooth, the wood was a dark red color with gold and black patterns painted on with gold leaf making beautiful gold patterns across the top. "Huh.." you shook your head and left the manor, your pace reasonably slowed now that you were carrying something possibly fragile.

Leaving in the morning fog.

Do not wallow in self-pity

for one day, you'll drown in it.

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