Chapter 8 - Did you just get a hard on?

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I chuckled. "Okay then Logan so what's the big plan here?" I asked looking around at the other people in the room.

He hummed and wrapped an arm around my waist again to lead me to the side of the room. "I love it when you say my name babe, can you say it again?" He chuckled as he continued to mock me.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay I get that your a bit of a flirt and that, but try and keep it in your pants buddy."

He chuckled as he pushed me into the corner of the room. "Right so firstly we need to get that tracker out of your neck. Dabi said they shot one into you." He said as his face got close to mine.

His fingers brushed along my neck as he looked for it. I tilted my neck to the side and pointed to the small puncture wound from the tracker.

"If you can get me a knife I'll just dig the fucker out." I said confidently.

"Ehhhhh." He said letting his voice trail off. "It's in there pretty deep. I have a kit in my pocket though so I can help you get it out." He said looking back behind him into the room. "But we probably shouldn't do that here."

I nodded and leaned back against the wall. "Just a question. What gang are you apart of?" I asked looking at the other members. They seemed kinda nicely dressed for a gang.

A cocky smile pulled across his face. "We're called the alphas babe. My dad is the leader, he's kinda old fashioned so it's mainly men in the gang." He said with a shrug.

Of course they are called the Alphas.... god if I roll my eyes any harder they'll roll into the back of my head...

I took a deep breath in and raised my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose.

That's a fucking stupid ass gang name... I can't tell him that though... I need to be calm... and nice... they are helping me... he is a friend of Dabi.....

"Right... meet me in the bathroom in 5 then." I said turning to head over to them now.

I'm sure he said something flirty back as I left but I didn't bother to listen. I went into the bathroom and locked myself in the toilet. I was waiting a short while when someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Hey, I got a date with a lady in here." Logan said casually.

I moaned and opened the door quickly pulling him in. I pulled the door closed behind him and locked it.

I tilted my head to the side and exposed my neck. "Alright then, get to work Logan." I said impatiently.

"I get the feeling you don't take shit from people." He chuckled as he pulled his suit jacket off and placed it on the hook on the back of the door. "Must be why Dabi is into you so much. Cause I mean you're kinda not his type."

My head jolted back to look at him. "What do you mean?"

He grabbed a small medical kit out of his pocket and set it down on the toilet seat. "He's into submissive chicks like Ren or that Tiffany chick." He said grabbing my chin and tilting my neck to the side.

He rubbed an alcohol wipe over the still fresh wound, making it sting slightly. I felt my blood boil at the mention of Ren's name but not only that, this was the first I was hearing of this Tiffany chick.

"Okay try and stay still." He said leaning his body against me to stable himself.

I frowned and tried to stay still with his body pressed against mine. "Are you asking me to stay still or yourself?" I joked.

"Both." He said as he held a small surgical knife to my neck.

I flinched as I felt it dig into my skin. I knew I should be staying quiet and still but I couldn't help myself.

Mistakes 2 - Dabi x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang