Chapter 17 - Free lancers

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I chuckled loudly and glanced over to the dark haired girl. "Ohhh it's about to get real hot in here...."

Her eyes widened as blue flames began to engulf the room.

"You fucked with the wrong villain group bitch." I said with a smirk as I watched the dark haired girl disappear in the flames.

Dabi had good control of his quirk as he ensured not to get Jas, myself and this Bree chick caught up in it.

I turned to where Jas and Bree stood as I began to walk through the flames towards them. I felt almost invincible with Dabi nearby, maybe it was because I knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. So I didn't really have to worry about anything or anyone.

Bree pulled Jas into a headlock and pulled her arm up as she began to choke her slightly.

"Stop! I'll kill her if you take a single step closer!" Bree said tightening her grip on Jas.

Hmmm now can I use my quirk on that bitch and not hit Jas... the answers still a bit fuzzy but I'm going to say no...... for Jas's safety anyway...

However I know another able quirk user who will do a much better job of Saving Jas than I will....

"You know..." I said as I stoped walking towards them. "If you just surrender now, i won't kill you." I said with a smile.

Bree paused and let her grip loosen on Jas slightly. "Really? How do I know your not just lying to me?" She questioned.

I tilted my head. "You'll just have to trust me I suppose." I said with a smirk.

I mean I wasn't exactly lying in this moment.

Suddenly Bree's eyes widened as she let go of Jas and let her fall to the floor. Jas fell to the floor coughing, trying to clear her airways.

"You lying bitch." Bree snarled as she froze on the spot.

Dabi's fingers curled around her neck as he tightened his grip on her. "She wasn't lying." He chuckled. "She won't be the one killing you, I will be." He chuckled as his eyes began to glow.

Dabi activated his quick and set the girl alight. The screams and howling didn't seem to phase me anymore, in fact I almost zoned it out.

I made my way over to Jas and held onto her. "You okay girl?" I asked checking her over.

She nodded as she continued to cough lightly. "I'm fine... we didn't get the information about what happened to Shigarakis quirk though." She said in a defeated tone.

I sympathised with her. If I were in her shoes and this happened to Dabi I would be furious. No... Beyond furious.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "I promise you we'll get it back. No matter how long it takes." I promised.

And this also wasn't a lie. I planned to keep this promise. And as much as Dabi and Shigaraki would continue to fight and butt heads I knew deep down that Dabi wanted to help the boss too.

It would just take time.


"You at least killed them right?" Shigaraki asked as he sat on the couch next to Jas.

He was examining her neck closely as she had a small red mark on her tender skin from where the girl had choked her.

I watched closely as Shigaraki ran a single finger across her collarbone and up her neck. I knew he would never intentionally hurt her but I couldn't help but be slightly nervous from his actions.

Mistakes 2 - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now