Chapter 18 - Did i see a .. 🍋?

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I chuckled and shook my head as I focused back on the start of the race.

Dabi leaned forward and placed a hand on the dash. "Ugh, did you hear me babe? I said that I think that Ryoko kid is mine." He said again.

"I know." I sighed.

Dabi awkwardly sat back in his seat again. "Oh cool, okay that's good."

Okay so slightly annoyed that he's so casual about how he just told me that... but I'm not mad, I already knew that was his kid and it was long before me anyway....I can be chill...

I think...

We watched as a girl walked in front of the group of cars holding a checkered flag as she waited for the signal to start the race.

I was trying to bite my tongue and be chill, I really was. I mean I tried hard.

"You know what gets me though Dabi?" I asked as I turned to face him in the chair.

"And here we go." Dabi moaned as he rolled his eyes.

"It kinda hurt that you couldn't just tell me the truth right away. I want you to be able to trust me with anything and not be worried that I'll flip out anymore. I've grown up, we both have." I said focusing my attention back to the girl walking in front of us.

Dabi cracked a smile. "I do trust you babe and I love you."

A good response from him for once ... a safe response...

I rolled my eyes and ran my hand over the steering wheel. "I love you too babe, but your pull out game is hella weak." I chuckled.

I reached for the vile that the doc gave me in my pocket and threw it at Dabi. "You might have to beg for my forgiveness later, or play as a submissive in our next sex session." I shrugged.

Oh come on girl ... we both know Dabi wouldn't do that...

Dabi chuckled as the vile hit his chest before he caught it. "You're into some weird shit babe, but I guess I can play sub for you."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

I'm the one into the weird shit?... yeah right babe... keep telling yourself that...

His cocky smile only made me angrier as he smugly looked at the DNA vile.

"You also owe me for something else." I said pausing as I watched his expression change to confusion.

"And what would that be?" He questioned.

I dug around in my pocket and pulled out the remote for the vibrator. "You're not even wearing it are you?" I asked throwing the remote at him also.

This time he chuckled and caught it. "Yeahhhh I told ya it doesn't work the same for guys. It's in my pocket though. That's how I knew to come save your ass before."

"You're unbelievable." I said rolling my eyes again as I focused back onto the girl who was about to start the race.

"Unbelievable in bed.." Dabi mumbled.

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