Chapter Four

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"Do you have everything? Diapers? Food?Clothes? Money?" Mom asks, hovering around the car.

I buckle Skylar in and turn around. "Yes Mom, I have everything."

"Okay. Do you have the hotel address?" She asks. I nod.

"In the GPS already. Don't worry, we'll be fine." I kiss Mom's cheek to reassure her. "I love you and will see you in a couple of days."

She wrings her hands. "Okay. Be careful on the roads honey. I love you."

I get into the driver's seat, turn on the GPS, and start the drive.

I know this may seem crazy, she might not even be at the hospital, hell, she might on even be alive. Something tells me she is but hey, who knows? She did say she was really sick.

Skylar naps for a while and then starts to get restless. Mom let me borrow her iPad for the trip so I put on some kid show and place it in Skylar's lap, along with some juice and crackers. I turn up the car radio a little bit and enjoy the drive.

About thirty minutes away we stop for a bathroom break, which is a challenge. First of all the men's bathroom does not have a baby changing station, so I take her into the family bathroom. Then, when I go, I didn't know where to put her so I brought her into the stall with me and turned her around. I stock up on food, drinks, and gas before finishing the drive.

At the hotel we check in. Mom got us a room with one bed and a small kitchen/living room area. " Are you ready to see mommy?" I ask Skylar. She lets out a cute yawn, which is when I realize it's night time. "Okay, let's eat, sleep, and we'll see mommy tomorrow. Sound like a plan?" She claps her hands, which tells me she agrees.

The mere idea of seeing Trinity again is giving me anxiety. Not only did she not tell me she was pregnant, but she dropped the baby off at my doorstep. Who does that nowadays?

Skylar gets a hell of a lot of attention. I get a lot of compliments on how cute she is and how much we look alike. I honestly don't see it, but I say thanks anyways.

Skylar sleeps in my arms once again that night. If only I was older, then, maybe, I could keep her. But at 18, only a few months from graduating, I can't handle a baby. I don't even have a job!

The next day Skylar is crawling on me, trying to wake me up. I roll over and open my eyes to see her identical brown ones staring back.

"Ready to see mommy?" I ask. She smiles.

After getting her dressed, I put her in the car. We stop at McDonalds for breakfast before pulling into the hospital.

"Recognize this place?" I ask Skylar, looking up at the intimidating hospital. I hate hospitals.

When I step in my nose is filled with a clean scent. Hospitals always seemed too clean for me. At the reception desk I wait to get the nurses attention, who's on the phone. When she sees me, or more specifically Skylar, she hangs up the phone.

"Skylar!" The older nurse says and steps out from behind the desk. Skylar giggles as the lady takes her from my arms and starts kissing her cheeks. This attracts attention from some other nurses, who all crowd around the lady and Skylar.

I clear my throat, trying to get someone's attention. "Um, excuse me, I'm looking for Trinity Logsdon."

It gets quiet as the nurses look at one another with the same expression. The lady that took Skylar hands her back. "Room 202."

Okay, weird... "Thanks."

I try to calm my nerves as I walk closer to her room. What will she look like? The same? How sick is she really?

His Secret Baby (Story #1 of the Teenage Pregnancy Series)Where stories live. Discover now