Epilogue 1.0

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Tristan Daniel is born January 1st, 2018 at 12:23 a.m, our little New Years baby. Crystal was in labor for twenty four hours, and I was right beside her the whole time. There was no way in hell I was going to miss the birth of my second child.

A few months after Crystal found out she was pregnant, mom and dad moved to New York with Chelsea and Christian, who's in his last year of high school. He surprisingly didn't mind that much, since he was planning to go to college here anyways.

Crystal and I, and the array of doctors and nurses, were the only people in the delivery room. Neither of us knew what to expect, but the nurses helped me and Crystal through it, and Tristan was the end result.

"Can we meet our grandson?" Dad asks, poking his head into the room.

I nod, and my whole family comes in, including my Sky, who's hiding behind my mom wearing her new Big Sister tee shirt. "Come on Sky, don't you want to meet your brother?"

Mom urges her forward. I pick her up and sit her on my lap. Crystal holds the new baby so Skylar can see his face.

"Wha his name?" Skylar asks me, reaching out to touch his face.

"Be gentle baby girl," I tell her, "his name's Tristan."

Skylar climbs out of my lap and onto the bed with Crystal. She places Skylar on her lap and lets her hold Tristan for a while. I take a lot of pictures of my perfect little family.

Mom holds the baby next, and he's passed around for a while, making Crystal extremely anxious. "Baby, calm down. He's going to be fine." I stroke her hand soothingly.

"I'm sorry. I just love him so much already," Crystal interlocks our fingers, never taking her eyes off Tristan, who is currently in my dad's arms.

I grab her chin and gently tug her head so she's looking at me instead of the baby. "He is going to be okay. Trust me."

She nods, and a small smile appears on her face. "He looks just like you. Same dark hair, same jaw," she moves a finger down my jaw, "same cute nose," she taps my nose, "same lips," she softly traces the curve of my lips, "he's going to be a heartbreaker just like his daddy."

I can't help but kiss her gently on the lips. "I'm glad he got your eyes." His icy blue eyes are just like hers, much better than my dull brown ones.

Soon it was time to feed Tristan. He had a hard time latching on, but when he did he was sucking away. "He's a pro," I tell her, watching in amazement. It's surprising how much I missed with Skylar.

"Just like his daddy," Crystal jokes, giving me a wink.

After the feeding the nurse instructs Crystal to burp him, and tells us it's time for his first diaper change. I let Crystal do the honors. She's a little rough since she's never done it on a real baby before, just dolls and pillows and sacks of flower. She does good though.

The first night she gets really emotional. "I'm a mother," she would cry, and I would respond with, "you've been a mother for a while now," which would just make her cry even more. But it's true. Crystal has been a great mother to Skylar, and Skylar treats her like her mom, even calls her mommy. Every time we're in California we visit Trinity and I frequently show Skylar pictures of her so she won't forget who gave her life, but when it comes to the 'mom' title Crystal has it in the bag.

His Secret Baby (Story #1 of the Teenage Pregnancy Series)Where stories live. Discover now