Chapter 2

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Welcome to Chapter 2 - so from here onwards videos will be contained - I pre apologise if you are unable to view any, I am based in the UK so can only see the ones accessible to me - enjoy!!!

I can't believe how the voice had calmly just announced the presence of the Supernatural world to the entire room, but what surprised me the most was how none of the Gladers or Survivors seemed surprised at this revelation.

"I must say you are all taking this a lot better then I did!" Dad states and I chuckle remembering his reaction when I showed him my claws and eyes. They say everyone reacts differently like Mum ignoring me to begin with or the Sheriff just been accepting of it, Dad on the other hand passed out.

"Well after what we have seen and been through, not a lot can really phase us. Even though Thomas couldn't remember anything, I think deep down he did as nothing seemed to scare him like it did the rest of us, it was as though he had seen this or worse before hand." Minho advises concerning me more of what I am about to witness with what had happened with Stiles.

I am going to briefly show you a quick look at Stiles's life before the Maze so you all know who he was before hand then I will show you what happened to him in the time he was missing up until right now.

As the voice stops the memories start appearing on the screen with a song playing with them, some how the song made seeing this memories worse.

"Wow, I don't think I really realised how much he went through. Even though he was only human, he was with us through every high and low." Derek states like a proud big brother, it does still amaze me how much everything has changed since we first met him.

Now you have a snip of who Stiles was before, let us show you what has happened to him more recently. Stiles vanished five years ago after been kidnapped by an organisation called WCKD, two years later they wiped his memories and placed him into the Maze.

The screen flashes on again to show us what had happened but I don't know if I was really ready to see this yet.

"Wow, I give him 10/10 for the face plant. Who knew he could run so fast?" Liam laugh out and I can't help but smile along with my Beta at this comment.

"Spoiler alert, not the last time he face plants the floor if you count been tackled to the floor." Minho states and I can see he seemed uncomfortable when they were showing the memory.

"You were in the Maze with him, weren't you?" I ask deducting this is why he would react the way he did.

"Yeah, I was trapped in there running the Maze everyday for three years until that Green Bean arrived and changed everything. "If it wasn't for Thomas, I wouldn't be alive right now. I owe him my entire life." Miho advises and I wonder where all these random nicknames and phrases were coming from, also I can't believe what Stiles has done.

I am going to show you the relationship between Minho and Thomas, any questions or comments please wait until the end.

I notice Minho shift slightly in his seat at the thought of seeing these memories, I notice Brenda squeeze his hand in a comforting way.

"It's going to be okay Minho! I understand that these memories are not going to be the easiest to see but we are all here for you." Lydia states in a comforting way as Minho sends her a grateful smile as the screen comes on again.

"It's mad to think that is only roughly half of what we actually faced together. You don't really think about it at the time, everything just passes in a haze." Minho explains as I along with everyone else is trying to compose themselves after what we had just witnessed.

"From what I have seen, you became like a brother and friend to Stiles. Please know that I will not try and come in between that friendship and I hope we can build a friendship ourselves." I advise getting up and walking over to Minho to shake his hand, he firmly takes it and shakes it back.

Are we all ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!!

Shout out to this video of Thomas and Minho, it was just nipped to the post as this one shows Thomas awake so posting here instead

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