Chapter 11

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Welcome to Chapter 11 - I am not going to bore you with a long intro as this chapter is quite long, contains a few videos and a gif so enjoy!!!

Time is a very funny thing that you don't really think about but right now all I could think of was the timing of everything. Stiles was missing for five years altogether but the time he spent in the Maze seemed to show him there for what seemed like a week or so but where was he before then as he seemed different some how.

"You doing okay Scott?" Derek asks from behind me making me jump slightly as I was so wrapped in my thoughts over everything that has and is going on.

"Sorry you made me jump there, yeah I think so just thinking over somethings about Stiles and how different he seems." I state only half telling the truth but I know Derek has a way of knowing the true meaning of what I am saying.

"Don't worry he is still the same annoying pain in the arse that we both know, he may now be just slightly more useful in a fight." Derek states and I can't help but smile that this is the silver lining he has found currently with the whole situation.

Shall we proceed, this next video we have shows you the immediate after effects of the last clip we had just witnessed.

"Alright what the hell are them things? They some how look worse then the Grievers." Mum states and I can agree with her on that front, whatever they were I hope we do not seem them again.

"They are called Cranks, they are what you become once you are infected with the Flare virus." Gally explains and I feel sick that they were once healthy people that were infected with this virus.

"So like Zombies basically then?" Liam asks trying to understand further and I can see how he got that conclusion as I was thinking the same thing.

"What's a Zombie?" Frypan asks and I can't help but let my mouth drop open in shock before regaining myself, I guess having your memory wiped, been experimented on and running for your lives constantly doesn't give you the chance to watch films.

"Never mind, yeah Liam like a Zombie!" I answer him as he nods and looks back towards the screen as it goes blank again before a new video appears.

So while everyone else was given there full check overs and settled in Thomas was called away for a chat with the base leader, a gentleman called Mr Janson.

"Ratman!" Frypan and Minho state at the same time with a somewhat sad expression on their face but I decided to not ask them about it.

We do not have access to their full conversation only the ending part before Thomas was freed to re-join his friends.

Wow the vast amount of people present in that room was insane, how could WCKD have controlled so many experiments at the same time.

"There is no farm where people take them in, is there?" Dad asks and without answer already been given I know the answer already.

"No there is not, we don't really know what happens to them Thomas and Aris never really went into massive amounts of details in relation to what they had witnessed. Thomas only told us really what we needed to know." Minho explains and I am curious about what Stiles and Aris witnessed to scare them so much they had to run for their lives.

Aris was similar to Thomas in way he was not very trusting of those who claimed to have saved them, he realised the similarities and trusted Thomas with what he had found. Now the only way for them to access the restricted area they had to get a key card from a guard.

"Okay so I have a new nickname for Stiles, sticky fingers. Where on earth did he learn to pick pocket like that?" I state looking around expecting either Malia or Peter to confuse to showing him but instead Dad raised his hand.

"Guilty! One of the main skills you are taught is pick pocketing so when you are uncover you can secretly collect information from your source or gather relevant hidden evidence from a suspects pocket. Funny enough it was one of the classes that Stiles exceeded in." Dad explains and I am still surprised of all the people present he was the one who had shown him how to do it happened to my own Father.

"I chose the wrong profession!!" Peter states making everyone laugh, who knew he could make a decent joke.

Rafael you stated earlier that there was no farm for them to go to, in a sense you were correct but WCKD call this their own personal farm. It's time for you all to see what Thomas and Aris found behind the door.

These people are not human, they are pure evil! They are stringing people up like puppets and draining them of this liquid and this is what they wanted to do to Stiles and his friends. I look over to the Gladers and Survivors and the looks on their faces currently says it all.

"Hello, can anyone hear me?" Stiles voice rings out, his voice sounds weak as though he losing his fight.

"Stiles!! Thomas!!! We can hear you!!" Minho and I shout out while jumping to our feet and running over to the wall that the sound seems to be generating from.

"Whiskey Charlie Kilo Delta India Sierra Golf Oscar Oscar Delta!" Stiles voice repeats over and over again as though on a broken loop before it cuts off leaving the room in silence.

"Please what was that? Is my Son okay?" Sheriff asks panic evident in his voice as I try and work out why of all things would Stiles repeat them words.

We seem to have had a breach in our facility, please remain where you are and we will return to continue soon.

"You didn't answer his question fully, is Stiles okay?" I snarl as I watch Vince bending down over with a pen and piece of paper writing frantically down on it.

I don't know

"What do you mean you don't know? The answer is a simple yes or no question, is Thomas also know as Stiles okay?" Gally snaps this time and I can see the care he now holds towards Stiles.

Before the voice can answer a large bang is heard from outside the room we are been held in, before the door swings open for the first time since our arrival.

"Did someone call for a rescue party?" 

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