Chapter 9

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Welcome to Chapter 9 - wow what can I say this story is only on chapter 9  and already reached just over 1k reads - thank you so much everyone who has voted, read and commented so far - here is the next chapter, pre warning it is longer then the others - enjoy!!!

My head was still throbbing from earlier but I knew it would heal in time so wasn't really worried about it, right now is not the time to rest but instead we need to get out of here, find Stiles and get back to Beacon Hills. Everything else can be dealt with once we get there but the priority right now is Stiles.

"How did they get that footage of you and Stiles inside Roscoe? Inside the Tattoo parlour I can get they potentially got that from their security cameras." Sheriff asks into my ear and I know it's time to let him know my theory, no matter how crazy it seems."

"I think potentially all of these videos we are seeing they are some how projecting them from Stiles's brain which is why when it changes from Stiles's memories to Thomas's memories we hear him scream out." I explain to him wanting to be honest with him but not overwhelm him that he does something crazy.

"Oh god, I think I am going to be sick." Sheriff states placing his hand on his mouth before rising from his seat and heading over to the wall on the far side and collapsing onto the floor next to it breaking down in tears.

"Noah!" Mum shouts as I rise from my seat heading over to where he is curling himself into the wall and I crouch down next to him.

"I know what you are feeling right now, I am feeling the same thing so is Lydia but right now we need to bury our feelings and focus on saving Stiles." I state softly to him knowing right now Stiles needs all of us to focus.

"I can't do this Scott, I can't lose him not again." Sheriff advises me as he remains curled up against the wall his body shaking with grief and fear.

"Dad! Listen to me, we are not going to lose him. We are going to save him and take him home, then we will ground him and ban him from ever leaving Beacon Hills again." I state sharply at him needing to break him out of his cycle of guilt otherwise we were never going to get anywhere.

"You just called me Dad!" Sheriff's voice echoes out as he sits himself up against the wall to become face to face with me.

"Well yeah, you have been there for me through some tough times, you have fed me, let me sleep at your house for days on end, you helped me with my homework and have become like a second Father to me." I explain while rising to my feet and helping him back to his aware that everyone was watching us right now.

"Thank you son I should of had!" Sheriff dry laughs as tears still coat his face before he quickly wipes them away and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Lets make them pay." He whispers into my ear before he lets me go and heads back to his seat taking a few sips on his drink once he gets there.

Is everything okay? Shall we proceed as time is of the essence.

I almost forgot for a split second that she was watching and listening to everything we had been saying or doing, I really hope they haven't figured out that I knew the truth of what they were up to.

"Yeah we are ready, sorry about the delay. The emotions of everything that has happened and is happening is just getting a bit much." I explain before heading back to my seat not really wanting to see another video but knowing I don't really have much of a choice right now.

I understand Scott, I may just sound like a computer's voice but I am an actually human so can understand the emotions you are all feeling. If it helps I spoke with the doctors and they advised that Stiles/Thomas's condition is improving.

"Thank you for the update, that is the good news we needed to hear. Shall we proceed?" Lydia answers back her voice quite calm considering she knew like me and Sheriff what was happening to an extent.

Let's proceed, this clip is from after Thomas stabbed himself with the Griever pincer. Gally took control of the Glade and made the decision to banish Thomas and Teresa at Sundown.

Alright the more I see of Teresa, Newt, Minho and Chuck I can see how close they all are to Stiles, it seems like such a close instant bond like they knew each all of their lives.

"Ha! So I was right about him then." Gally shouted with glee before a scattering of growls are heard and he seems to quickly wipe the smile of his face, but what confused me was Stiles had said this started as kids but he wasn't taken as a kid it was only five years ago.

"They messed with his memories as well didn't they, more so then you originally told us about. You explained them wiping his memories and giving him a new name but you never said about them planting false memories in there place." Derek snarled out aiming it towards the voice speaking to ourselves.

Sorry must of slipped my mind, now the biggest barrier facing Thomas and his allies was Gally, they decided to use Gally's plan of banishing them to their advantage before heading into the Maze to find there way home.

"Is this another occasion I needed to say sorry for, in my defence I was scared and as you already know I hate change." Gally quickly rambles out as the video but it wasn't him that had surprised me the most here.

"Damn, please someone remind me when we get home not to mess with Stiles. Where or when did he learn to do that?" Malia asks sounding impressed at what she had just witnessed from Stiles's fighting skills.

"Well he has had one on one training sessions with me in relation to self-defence and I am guessing his skills expanded more with his FBI training." Parrish explains and I almost forgot he was present, he had barely said two words since we had arrived.

"Hang on, since when did Stiles have one on one training sessions with you?!" Sheriff and I ask at the same time, both obviously shocked that Stiles had managed to keep this a secret from us.

"It was just after that incident a few years ago with Void, I suggested it to him as a recovery technique to help rebuild his mental strength knowing how much it helped me." Parrish explains and I can understand why Stiles accepted his offer but still confused as to why he never told any of us we all would have understood.

"Thank you for what you taught him. I for one is very gratefully that he managed to keep the knowledge of lessons otherwise we would all be trapped still like mice." Frypan stated with a look of gratitude on his face aiming it towards Parrish who just beamed with pride.

"No thanks required, all that goes towards my little brother." Parrish advises a beaming smile on his face, I love the way he sees Stiles as his little brother as I know full well that Stiles feels the same about him as do I.

That is not the only trait of Stiles that Thomas kept, he also seemed to keep his way with words.

Now that was a speech and a half, I was so convinced by his words I wanted to shout at the screen for him to go with him or even join him myself.

Are we ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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