Chapter 21

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Welcome to Chapter 21 - sorry for the delay in updating all the days seemed to mold into one and suddenly it had been ages since I last updated  - can I please a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on this story so far, it has just reached 6k views which is mad as I didn't expect this - here is the new chapter, no surprises that videos are included - sorry if none work but you should be able to work out what it shows - enjoy!!!

As strange as it is to have someone else's voice echoing in my head along with my own thoughts, it is in someway comforting having Stiles close to me once again. I wonder if this is how Lydia feels majority of the time been surrounded by so much death.

"Scott, are you okay? You are giving me a strange look." Lydia asks me as I quickly snap out of my thoughts realising I had creepily been staring at her as I had been thinking.

"Oh sorry Lydia, I was just wondering if this was what it felt like for you having talking in your head. Also, Stiles was just saying how much he had missed you." I state trying to cover my creepy staring at Lydia and give Stiles some brownie points in the meantime.

"Uh what did I say?" Stiles's sleepy voice echoes in my head as though I had just woken him up from a nap.

"Nothing buddy, just getting you in Lydia's good books so she is not so mad next time you do something reckless." I quickly explain to Stiles before receiving a nod of approval from him.

Let's proceed! As you all know, Plan A doesn't always succeed. On this occasion it did appear that Thomas and his allies were successful but once they open the container, they realised Minho wasn't inside as first thought

The disappointment was evident on Stiles and Newt's faces that Minho was not on board as they had thought, however seeing the state that Aris and Sonya were in. I also could not help but notice the similarities between Sonya and Newt. Are they related?

"I remember that day on the train, seeing Thomas and Vince running above me and hearing them screaming my name and the disappointment that came soon afterwards as I heard the Berg fly away. I was in the next carriage over, maybe if I had just been slightly louder none of what unfolded next would have taken place." Minho states looking quite gloomy over the entire situation, I look at the faces of those who know, and they seem to understand more what he was talking about.

"Minho, nothing what happened was your fault. Every decision made or any actions undertaken to save you, we would all make it again in a heartbeat. I know if Newt or Thomas was here, they would be telling you the exact same thing." Frypan states while gripping Minho's shoulder trying to provide him some much-needed comfort.

After a short discussion with Aris about what had happened with WCKD, the main group split off from the others to discuss the next steps. Let's say things got slightly heated as expected in tense situations.

I could understand Vince's concerns over having so many in one place, but I understand also how Stiles must have been feeling about Minho. There have been many occasions, some very recently that I have been more focused on my plans to find Stiles then what was happening at home.

"Dang! I knew them Bergs sounded close, but I never realised how close WCKD actually got to us that night." Frypan advises as he runs his hand over his head in relief at how close it all was to been over in a worse way.

Too close for comfort that is for sure, that is why Thomas made the decision he did. But luckily for him, there was two people with him that wouldn't let him go alone.

As the voice stated this Frypan adjusted his  stature and a look of pride appeared on his face, I guess he was one of them two people.

"So a typical Stiles move happen then, going off alone to save anyone else from getting hurt or captured while following one of his plans. Looks like Newt knows him just as well as Scott does." Sheriff states and I can't help but smile at that, I was thinking about how much Newt reminds me of myself.

"Knew him Sheriff! Thick as thieves them two were, have never known anyone who had as close of a bond as they had. Like brothers in way." Jorge advised while everyone else nodded along in agreement with what had been said.

"Newtmas" Gally states causing some laughter to resonate around the room from the Gladers and Survivors.

"Sorry but what is Newtmas? Sounds like a weird version of Christmas." Liam ask sounding confused but I think I may have gathered what it is.

"I think it is Thomas and Newt's ship name, a bit like how Stiles and Lydia are Stydia or how people joke that Stiles and Derek are Sterek," I advise hoping I was correct in my assumption but as I said the last one, I notice Derek spraying water out of his mouth over the back of Peter.

"Eww, do you mind? Why did you do that for?" Peter grumbled as he wiped the wetness of the back of his head as Derek turned to face me as water still dripped from his mouth and chin.

"What do you mean me and Stiles have a ship name of Sterek?" Derek asks and I can't help but notice the blush of red appearing in his cheeks as he says Sterek.

"Even I heard of that one, it's the little looks and gestures between the pair of you. It just makes everyone wonder that maybe something more is there." Dad advises as best as he can as small giggles escape everyone's mouth as they notice also the growing redness appearing in Derek's cheeks.

"I can't lie it is something I have wondered about, what could have been? I mean just look at him and that perfect bone structure he is a very attractive man, I could do a lot worse." Stiles states in a dreamy voice talking as though this could have been a real possibility.

"Oh my god, please someone burn my ears out. Stiles! Please remember I can hear you, so can currently hear you drooling over Derek." I state shaking my head trying to drown out what he was currently saying as looks of shock and the sound of laughter is heard

"Do I need to be worried about you stealing my man once we are back?" Lydia jokes at the former Alpha who is looking like he wishes the ground would swallow him whole.

"I.. I don't know what you mean. Is it me or is it getting a bit hot in here?" Derek states undoing his top button and taking a sip of his water as I notice he is avoiding eye contact with anyone currently.

"Anyway, yeah Scott your guess was correct it was the ship name of Thomas and Newt." Gally states quickly trying to bring the attention away from Derek, who I notice sends him a quick thanks.

Are we ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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