Chapter 17

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Welcome to Chapter 17 - thank you once again for everyone who has read, voted or commented on this crossover - as per normal videos are contained sorry if any don't work but you should be able to work out what they show - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Tension was circulating around the room since the last memory had played, especially with this unknown betrayal that Stiles had committed, I can guess along with the others that the Gladers and Survivors seem to be aware of this betrayal or at least part of it.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad of a betrayal are we saying that he completed?" Chris asks and I wonder why he cares about this so much, did he think this is the same as when he was Void?

"I guess it depends on who you ask I guess, to WCKD it would be a 10 but for us it is only a one or two maximum, the betrayal we felt was minor as when he arrived in the Maze he didn't even remember what he had done. Why do you care?" Minho advises looking towards Chris and I really want to know the same thing. This is Stiles we are talking about at the end of the day.

"Chris, he is not Void anymore. Void is dead and buried, any betrayal Stiles may have done would have been done only for the better of others." Dad states and I am glad he is thinking the same as I had while Chris was asking these questions.

"I was only asking as depending on who has us will determine the extensive levels of torture, they may induce on him or even start on us. I wasn't thinking anyway about Void." Chris states with his voice steady but I can hear his heart jumping slightly when he came to the end of the sentence.

"It's okay to worry or be scared of Void, one of my greatest fears has all ways been that Void will return to take over Stiles again and I won't be able to save him this time. But I have the strength of our friends and family that if the worst should happen I will not be alone in my fight, I also have faith in Stiles that he can fight anything thrown his way and survive as he the strongest of us all." I advise as tears drip off my face onto my lap as I speak and look directly into Chris's eyes.

That is the strength that we need right now, if we are going to save his life right now. I know in some of your eyes I maybe the enemy, but I did what I did out of fear and love.

"Well that is the funny thing about enemies, sometimes they can surprise you and become your closest friend." Chris states looking towards Derek who just smiles at the sentiment.

So we shall continue, after an eventful conversation, shall we say, with Marcus the group carried on towards the Right Arm. As they got nearer they found their path blocked by abandoned cars, while examining one of them bullets started firing on the group before they all quickly ducked for cover.

"This isn't right, none of this. They are just teenagers; they should be worried about miss curfew or what selfie to post on their social media account." Mum states as new tears start running down her face as Frypan, Minho and Gally send her a confused but comforting look.

"Sorry but what is a selfie?" Gally asks and I start to laugh at his joke before I notice the look on his face, oh my he is actually serious with his question.

That is something you can learn later Gally, so after a short journey the group arrive at the Right Arm camp, but Brenda's condition takes a turn for the worse causing her to collapse. The leader of the Right Arm wanted to kill her to protect everyone else, but Thomas begged for him to stop. The next memory I am going to show you, explains Thomas's betrayal over WCKD.

If that is the betrayal that Stiles did then I am proud of my brother, he found a way to reach out for help even if it meant sacrificing himself for the safety of others.

"Mary! I didn't think she was still alive. Here she is helping Stiles out after all these years, I wonder if she realised who he is was or just knows him as Thomas." Sheriff advises looking almost happy at the sight of the lady on the screen, I have to admit she does look slight familiar to myself but I can't quite place her.

"You knew Mary? May I ask how? She was someone who I cared very much about." Vince asks and I can't help but notice the way he seems to talk about her in past tense, as though she is no longer alive.

"She was my wife's sister, Stiles's aunt. We haven't seen her since about a year after Claudia died, she just vanished in the middle of the night with no note or explanation. At least I know why, is she with the others?" Sheriff asks and I can sense his hopes getting up at maybe having another connection to his wife still alive, but if my gut is right more heart break is coming his way.

I'm sorry but she was killed by WCKD but let me show you her and Thomas's time together. This may piece together why she left and never came back.

(A/N Apologises as the first little bit of itself repeats the end of the previous clip)

"So just to check, you are not about to eat our brains right now are you?" Coach asks moving his chair slightly more away from Brenda as though scared she is going to turn into a Zombie.

"No you are okay at the moment Coach, I am not peckish at the moment." Brenda states before starting to lick her lips and sending him weird looks before Coach squeaks getting up from his chair and moving to sit the other side of Chris.

Coach relax, no one in this room is going to suddenly turn into a Crank and eat everyone, besides we have provisions in place in case anything gets out of hand anyway.

"Can I just point out that I did not like the way that Teresa was spying at the tent? Something is not right about her and no this is not some jealousy thing." Lydia points out and I realise that she is right, maybe this is the betrayal that was mentioned.

Patience Lydia, all shall be revealed in time. For now lets watch Thomas, Frypan, Newt and Minho reflect on what has come to pass.

"I thought Stiles was the one with trust issues, was he rubbing off on you Minho?" Liam jokes and this time everyone appreciates the joke and all have a quick laugh and a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess the shank was. I suppose everything we have been through, the only people we can really trust is each other or ourselves. Yet sometimes even that is the wrong thing to do." Minho explains as the laughter that had broken the tension in the room quickly disappears.

Are we ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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