Chapter 15

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Welcome to Chapter 15 - well we are now almost half way through Scorch trials and the excitement is only really just beginning - as per normal I am sorry if any videos do not work but you can kinda gather what they show, I hope -  enjoy this new chapter!!!

The more I watch these memories of Stiles from his time away, it makes me wonder more and more whether the Stiles I know is still even there anymore or is he just Thomas now. No, Scott you can't think like that! Yes he will be different after what he has been through but who wouldn't be after what he has seen and had to survive or even do to survive.

After Winston's death the group continued before resting for the night to digest what had just occurred.

"May I ask, what was it about the Glade that you missed?" Mum asked Frypan mainly, I was wondering that myself at who would miss been trapped and experimented on against been free.

"Just the little things really, the smell of my stew cooking or the bonfire nights they were always a good laugh." Frypan explains and I can understand his reasons, it was the sense of family and home which I guess many of them have no memory of.

"Once this is all over, you should join us in Beacon Hills, and we can have a bonfire night and make some new memories and maybe you can make some of your stew." I advise not really knowing what the plan was for them all, did they have family looking for them the same way we looked for Stiles?

"That would be nice, maybe me and Thomas can have a rematch of our spar again." Gally states and I wonder what he was on about, Stiles never really was the sparring type.

"What so he can kick your butt again? Now that I would like to see again." Minho advises and I am surprised that Stiles could beat Gally in a sparring match of any type but then again, he has now been trained by the FBI, so anything is possible.

"It was technically a draw last time, and it didn't even count." Gally states and everyone lets out a laugh, it was nice to hear the sound of laughter breaking through the tense room.

Sure, it was Gally! After the previous conversation Thomas was feeling more the burden and responsibility on his shoulders but luckily, he had Newt who knew the right words to say.

"That really reminds me a lot of Stiles giving Scott a prep talk, it's kinda weird seeing someone have to give Stiles one of them." Lydia advises and I can see where she is coming from, Stiles has always seemed to be able to find the right words to say in all situations.

"Don't worry he does still know how to do them, but he seems to save them more for large, gathered groups or tense emotional moments." Frypan explains and I notice that Brenda, Jorge and Vince nodding in agreement with what he was saying.

"That's not shocking, he did always seem to have a slight flare for the dramatics." Dad states and I smile towards him before the sound of laughter echoes around the room.

Sorry I don't mean to laugh but that was the perfect timing to use them words seeing as what happens next.

"Come on, he doesn't have that bad of a luck that he gets hit by lighting while in the middle of nowhere." Chris states and I notice Minho shift uncomfortably in his seat as he spoke.

"Thomas doesn't, he just happened to be running next to me when I did!" Minho states and I notice the surprised look on Gally's face but then I remember that he was in their eyes dead at this stage.

"So that is the reason you and Thomas looked fried half to death when I first met you all." Brenda states as Minho and Frypan nod towards her.

"Yeah, but to be fair I think we more barbequed, thanks to Jorge here." Minho states as Jorge grins wildly at him as though the pair was sharing an inside joke.

"Firstly, I saved you from WCKD and technically only Thomas was still in the building when it started blowing up and that was Brenda's fault." Jorge states and I feel my heart skip a beat as he said that Stiles was inside a building as it was blowing up.

"Saved us? You hung us upside down in your basement after realising we were wanted by WCKD before questioning us confusingly about whether something was a Ghost story or not. How Thomas ever understood your nonsense, I will never know?" Minho states and I can't let them just brush over the bit about been inside a building as it exploded.

"Can we just pause and back track a second please? What do you mean Stiles was in a building when it was blowing up? Also, Stiles is like the King of confusing sentences, so I am not surprised he understood a load of nonsense." I ask stopping them all from the conversation they were having, seeming to forget that we were present in the room with them also.

"Well hermano, I have this little song I like to play if any unwanted visitors come knocking on my door." Jorge states with a wink towards me as the screen changes as though it is going to start a new video but seems to be faltering slightly before starts playing.

"Come on, you can't leave it there it was just getting good. Did they get out or not?" Coach shouts towards the screen while somehow again seems to have acquired a tub of popcorn.

The screen seems to start changing again as though going to start again but instead it clears to show a familiar room. As my eyes adjust quickly to the brightness of the White room been on the screen, I notice Stiles lying suspended in mid air with wires and tubes coming out of all angles off him.

"Oh my god Stiles, what is this? What are you doing to him?" Lydia screams out as new tears start running down her face along with everyone else, but no answer comes.

"Thomas!!" Brenda screams out as though hoping Stiles can some how here her from wherever this is but still he shows no sign of hearing anything.

I watch as the screen seems to travel closer to him until we can see his pale face, his eyes are closed as though he was sound of sleep before they quickly snap open.

I watch as the screen seems to travel closer to him until we can see his pale face, his eyes are closed as though he was sound of sleep before they quickly snap open

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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