Chapter 27

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Welcome to Chapter 27 - thank you once again for everyone who has read, voted and commented so far - this again is a longer chapter with several videos included - see if you can spots some hints hidden inside this chapter, you will find out in the end note what they mean - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

The look currently on Stiles's face is concerning me, he only gets that look when he is torn what to do next, I have seen that look several times especially when he must choose between Curly fries and Pizza.

"What's going on it that head of yours Stiles?" I ask him breaking him out of whatever thoughts were rattling inside of him currently.

"I have a sacrifice I need to make soon, and I can't help but feel like I am giving up. You know me when it comes to big decisions, never been that great at them." Stiles advises as I notice tears swimming in his eyes as his hands are fiddling some more, I don't really like the sound of the way he said sacrifice.

"Sacrifice? What type of sacrifice, Stiles?" Sheriff asks looking overly concerned towards Stiles, I guess like me he did not like the sound of that either.

Nothing you need to concern yourself with currently, but Stiles/Thomas time is running out quickly. You need to decide sooner rather than later.

"What are you forcing him to do?" Vince snaps towards the voice as Stiles drops his head into his hands, as though he is trying to block out any sound.

We are not forcing him to do anything, Stiles/Thomas simply has been given a choice to make before this is all over.

"I don't need anymore time to think, I have made my decision already. I would however, prefer to discuss this in private." Stiles advises before slowly moving and gradually lifts himself out of the wheelchair.

"Stiles, you really shouldn't be moving around just yet. You have just been shot." Mum advises sternly, her nurse tone in full effect but the look on Stiles's face showed me that it didn't matter what anyone said he was doing it.

"I'm fine Melissa, thank you for your concern. Shall we?" Stiles advises before slowly moving towards the door, a hand placed over where the wound is as he limped forward.

"Thomas, talk to us. What is going on right now?" Brenda asks worry plastered not over her face but everyone in the room, mine included.

"Right now, I am doing my job." Stiles advises before stepping through the doorway before the door slides shut behind him, I do not have a good feeling about this.

Well Stiles/Thomas is busy, let us continue. After Thomas walk away from Teresa, Brenda offers him some words of advice.

"Now I will say for someone that has not known my son for that long, you sure have a very good read on him." Sheriff advises towards Brenda, who I can't help but notice she is blushing and trying hard to avoid looking in Lydia's direction.

"What can I say, growing up in the Scorch you learn to read people easily." Brenda advises and I am sure it is more than that, but I don't push it any further wanting to spare her any embarrassment.

So the plan commenced with Newt, Thomas and Gally accompanying Teresa while Brenda and Frypan had separate tasks to complete. The destination for them was the holding area to rescue Minho and the other capture children while also grabbing the serum that could help prolong Newt's life.

"Wait prolong his life, I thought the point of WCKD was to find a cure." Parrish asks speaking for the first time in a while, he had been oddly quite even for him.

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