Chapter 30

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Welcome to Chapter 30 - I can't believe we are here already, also I am flabbergasted that this has just reached 10k reads which is crazy - thank you so much everyone who has read, voted or commented on this story - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

Nothing was making any sense currently, the endless different memories of more pain and horror for Stiles where his life was always in some form of danger. Is this my fault? After I was bitten and learnt all about this, should I have taken up his offer to join his pack? Maybe if I had all of this wouldn't be happening right now. As I thought about this, I couldn't help but feel more guilt as a few stray tears ran down my face.

"Stop it Scott, I know that face and none of this is your fault. You hear me?" Stiles states so loudly that for the brief moment, I thought he was back in my head again.

"Dude, how did you even know what I am thinking right now?" I ask him amazed and kinda wondering whether he was some how still in my head.

"I am your Yoda, I know everything Scott." Stiles says and I can't help but crack a smile as I remember the time in the library when he said he was going to be my Yoda, thankfully I have more of an understanding of who Yoda.

"My Yoda you will be!" I state back to him, noticing that everyone had stopped their micro conversations and instead were now watching the interaction between us.

"So he finally got you to watch Star Wars then?" Lydia states knowing how long Stiles had been going on at me about not even watching a single Star Wars film.

"Yep every single one of them, you know them four days that no one could reach us. Well Stiles kidnapped me and forced me to watch everyone back to back, in order for the entire time." I advise remembering that time, it was the last time me and Stiles had really spent any time together.

"Oh I remember, I ended up turning into your personal Butler for the entire four days." Sheriff advises and I nod, he was a pretty good Butler.

Now let's proceed, please be pre warned from here on out these videos and memories may not be the easiest to watch.

"Oh right because the previous how many videos have been a right cheerful bunch, full of many laughs and jokes. I would like to know what you have been watching instead." Coach sarcastically states and I can't help but notice the look of pride currently present on Stiles's face.

"Coach, I have never felt prouder than I do of you right now. I finally feel like after all these years, you rascals finally understand me." Stiles explains while wiping away a fake tear while looking directly towards.

"Can it Stilinski! You personally are the very reason I drink every evening; don't you forget it!" Coach advises and I am glad that even after all these years we can still annoy Coach greatly.

As lovely as this banter is we have places to go and people to see. So after Gally saved everyone, the next mission was to get everyone to safety and more importantly Newt to Brenda and the serum she had.

"Gally, I love it. The guy basically kills you and yet you still help him, then once he asks why you come up with the best response ever. Not everyone is perfect!" Liam states before starting a slow clap towards Gally before Mason joins him before stopping after a swift growl from Peter.

"Me and Minho have been through more then enough in our three years to let a little thing like that come between us. In his defence I was waving a gun like a madman threatening to shoot people before I did shoot someone." Gally states and I notice the guilt radiating off him as he remembered Chuck, I suppose there are some things that you never really recover from but learn to live with.

"All water under the bridge my friend." Minho states patting Gally on the back, I realise how close they actually. Honestly how close everyone is, I suppose them all going through the same thing, a shared trauma so to speak bonds people more than anyone knows.

Now the journey inside of the Last City may have been quite straightforward but the way out would be a lot harder. A rebellion group that Gally had been associated with decided this was the correct time to launch their attack on the Last City.

"Damn, for a second then I thought that was OG Peter coming back to haunt us all then." Derek states giving said person a nudge with his arm which only gets him a small growl in return.

"I think he actually looked worse than that guy more recently then OG Peter, when he came out of the Wild Hunt, before I stabbed him with the herbs." Mum states looking quite proud of herself that she had stabbed Peter, even if it was with herbs.

"Oh yeah, he looked like over barbecued deer. It was that bad, we didn't even recognise at first it was him, he's my Dad after all so you would have thought I would have at least know but nope." Malia states and I can't help but love her weirdness, it is one of her best qualities.

"The only realise you didn't recognise me was I erased like Stiles here, yet everyone somehow remembered him yet not me. Also what is your obsession with deer?" Peter states harshly and he does have a point, since we locked him in Eichen House I didn't even spare him a second thought.

"What I like deer, Pizza been a close second." Malia states and I can't help but notice the smile on both Stiles and Sheriff's face as she said this.

Scott you asked earlier whether Stiles/Thomas was the cure for the flare, this next bit may answer that. This also shows you the boys faced trying to escape the Last City before it turned into hell on earth.

"My word, I haven't seen a war zone like that since I was serving in the military." Parrish states and I notice Dad and Sheriff nodding in agreement, I also notice that Derek and Peter also seem to nod also.

"So, I was right then. You are the cure to this Flare Virus." I state looking at Stiles who just nodded, I couldn't help but notice his face looked paler since seeing that last clip.

"If only we had found out sooner then none of this would have happened, all them deaths due to me. No more!" Stiles states as a loose tear runs down his cheek before he wipes it away, I notice Brenda rise to her feet and head over to Stiles.

Before anyone knows what she was about to do, a loud smack echoed around the room as Stiles's head whipped to the side before he glared back at Brenda, his hand rubbing his now bright red cheek.

"What the hell, Brenda?" Lydia snaps looking furious, to the point I am preparing myself to hold her back from attacking Brenda.

"Oh Thomas know, I told you Thomas none of this was your fault and I told you if you ever said it again I would smack you for it so no more." Brenda states before heading back to her seat before Stiles can even reply back to her.

"Fine, whatever." Stiles states and I have never known him give up so quickly on any argument the way he did just then.

"Girl, you and I have to talk after this. How on earth did you get him to surrender so quickly?" Lydia asks and even I must admit I can't even get Stiles to shut up that quick.

"I suppose hanging him upside and dragging his arse through crank town does the trick, I also give him the look of don't start otherwise I will end you." Brenda jokes causing everyone except said person to start laughing.

Are we ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly, prepare yourself for the last moments of Newt and Newtmas!! 

Rescue Me!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें