Chapter 23

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Welcome to Chapter 23 - wow what can I say expect a massive thank you as this has just reached 7k reads which is bonkers - I also wanted to say thank you for the advice I got in the comment section from @daydreamtunnel, I am always unsure about how long to make chapters when videos are contained so I am dedicating this chapter to you - here is the next chapter, this time only one video is included - enjoy!!

I had this anger bubbling inside of me, I know it is there as it has been very present since we arrived in this room, first they have the nerve to take my best friend away from me then torture him, make him lose his memories and basically drag him through hell and back. Now I learn that they chipped him like some type of animal, who do they think they are?

"Scott, calm down right now. It is not going to help anyone if you get yourself into this state." Derek's voice comes from behind me, his voice whispering into my ears but right now nothing was going to calm me down.

"SCOTT!" Liam's voice broke through my thoughts as I look directly at him as he flashes his Beta eyes at me, the last time he did that was when I had the Asthma attack.

"Thanks." I state before heading over to the door, I knew that right now it is not safe for me to be in here with everyone until I am in control again.

"I know you can't take me to see Stiles, but do you have a free space around. I just need a moment alone before we proceed." I ask into the air hoping on this one occasion they may do this me this favour as they are helping me.

I can do you one better then that, I think you need this right now. Follow me!

The door surprisingly opens before I step out into the hallway before the door slides shut behind me, I look down both ways and see no doors or signs. Great where am I meant to go now?

If you follow the lights to your left, I will guide you to your destination. Trust me Scott, I am not the bad guy here.

Something in her voice was making me want to trust her but little things that she let slip or her actions made me not want to. After all she is the reason, I am separate from Stiles right now but in a way, she is also the reason Stiles is still alive.

"As we are alone, may I ask you a question? Why are you doing all of this? Why are you helping us to save Stiles?" I ask hoping as we are alone, she may open up a bit more to me and I can try and work out the part she plays in all of this.

As I told you when you first arrived here Scott, I brought you all here to save my dear friend. Stiles has been through more than human should be put through. He was kidnapped, experimented on, lost many friends, a lover and has been shot and stabbed. Currently he is fighting to survive which he may not win.

I notice that she had basically just repeated the same speech she gave us when we arrived here, but now seeing the memories I have already them words seem to have a more weighted feeling then the first time I had heard them.

"You describe Stiles as a dear friend, but where do you fit into his life?" I ask as I am having more suspicions on who this was but wasn't quite sure yet. Her voice was starting to sound more familiar, but I couldn't seem to place it.

You will find out soon but right now we have arrived at your destination. I will give you five minutes before we need to continue.

As she finishes speaking, I notice I am stood in front of another door, I didn't even notice I had stopped walking. I step forward and the door slides open to reveal another white room but this one looks oddly familiar, I notice inside there is a single bed surrounded by different machines with a single chair sat next to it.

Rescue Me!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora