Chapter 32

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Welcome to Chapter 32 - sorry for the delay in updating my gran passed away so I needed time to be with my family - can I say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on this crossover, it has just reached 11.5k views which is insane!!! - here is the next chapter, contains some gifs and videos, enjoy!!!

As the video ended documenting Stiles and Newt's journey, I can see that such a bond had been created during all of their hardship that I know would never be able to be replaced. This is something that I will never be able to fully understand what he went through, so I am grateful that Stiles had Newt and has Minho, Frypan, Gally, Brenda, Jorge and Vince to lean on.

"Come on Stiles, we need to get you up and back to your seat now, okay?" I state holding out my hand to give him some help but he doesn't move, the only sign he seems to make that he has heard me is that he lifts his head to stare at me.

His face is bright red and tears are pouring out of his brown eyes and coating his cheeks, this is the most broken and devastated I have seen Stiles in my entire life. The closest I can even remember seeing him was when I got to his house not long after his Mum had died.

"I can't." Stiles whispers at me and the tone of his voice makes my heart want to break into a million pieces.

"Can't what, sweetie?" Mum asks as she comes to kneel down next to me and grips a hold of Stiles's hand in hers.

"I can't move, if I do more are going to die because of me and I can't handle that. Not again, please don't make me do this all over again." Stiles states his voice cracking and breaking as he battles to talk through the vast amount of tears and emotion currently pouring out of himself.

You see that is your problem, you always look at everything you have lost or those you think died because of you. What about looking at it the other way?

"What other way? There is no other way, everyone is dead because of me and there is no way to change that." Stiles states sounding almost angry that the voice was trying to locate a way to justify what has happened.

"Hang on Thomas, I think I know where she is coming from. You focus on the losses you have faced everyone from Alby to Chuck to Newt and Teresa, but what about all of those who are alive because of you." Brenda states and everyone nods along with what she is saying, I watch Stiles as he wipes away the tears coating his cheeks as he thinks over what Brenda has said.

So many people not only some present in this room, owe you their lives and freedom. Maybe the true way to heal is to focus on the positives and not always the negatives that have happened.

"Ben, Alby, Jeff, Chuck, Jack, Winston, Mary, Newt, Ava, Teresa." Stiles states counting his fingers with each name he states, I realise he is listing all the people whose death he feels responsible for.

"Jackson, Peter, Derek, Lydia, Malia, Mason, Liam, Kira, Deaton, Ethan, Parrish, Mum, Theo, Hayden, Coach, Chris, Sheriff, Dad and Me." I state listing everyone I can think of that Stiles has helped to save in one way or another.

"Allison, Aiden, Erica, Boyd, Heather." Stiles answers adding more to his list as he remembers those connected to us before he went missing but none of them still were not his fault.

"Frypan, Gally, Minho, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Brenda, Jorge, 28 random children freed from WCKD headquarters, me and countless more who are safe in the Safe Haven because of you." Vince firmly states and I can see that Stiles seems to have no response to him this time.

We can sit here all day and beat you in a list of all the people you have saved or helped to save, but now your journey is soon at an end we must continue and reveal what truly happened when you parted ways.

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