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Three days after the Red Wedding

Joffrey's small council gathered once word of the Red Wedding arrived. The lot of them squabbled like children fighting over the king's favor. 

"I do not doubt that the young wolf perished," Pycelle said, eyeing the letter that held the fate of a nation. The grey Frey seal was the only thing hiding the news of the Red Wedding. Tywin had found it difficult to place so much faith in the Freys. They were glorified tax collectors, at best. 

"Let us open the damn thing!" Joffrey cheered, his eyes sparkling. He was eager to learn the fate of the young wolf. 

A smile played on Cersei's lips as his fingers reached for her firstborns, but he pulled away.

Tywin grasped the letter. It was odd that such an insignificant strip of paper would either end war or perpetuate it further. His finger peeled the seal back and the letter unrolled its self in his hands. He began to read it for the table.

The Stark army has been crushed. All of the young wolf's bannermen are dead, captured, or have sworn themselves to Joffrey Baratheon. Roose Bolton was killed in the fighting, but his bastard Ramsay Snow remains his heir and swears allegiance to Hous Baratheon and House Lannister. Theon Greyjoy fell trying to save the young wolf, as did Jon Umber, Bryden Tully, and Catelyn Stark. The young wolf's wife was slain as well. The young wolf took many arrows and suffered dire wounds. We have yet to discover a body, but it is only a matter of time. 

"They failed to kill him?" Cersei interrupted, a scowl now replacing her smile. Joffrey's face was turning red.

Edmure Tully has been taken into custody as well as his wife. House Karstark has declared for House Bolton and many minor houses are sure to follow. House Charlton and house Haigh have already declared for house Frey, which will always remain loyal to the noble house's Lannister and Baratheon. Our loyalty knows no bounds, we shall stand with house Lannister until there are no more Frey's left. We stand together!

Walder Frey

Tywin grimaced at the distaste of the letter. It held Walder's signature but was clearly not written by him. The Frey's disappointed him. It was not a surprise, but still disappointing.

"I want Robb Stark to be found and killed! Now!" Joffrey yelled, his face looking as if it had been painted in blood. He stood, shaking with rage.

"Sit down," Tywin said, eyes barely even glancing at Joffrey. 

Joffrey ignored him. "Get me Sansa Stark." He ordered Ser Oakheart, who left the room without a word, but worry etched into his features. 

"I will kill Robb Stark myself. I will use Hearteater to cut his heart from his chest and feed it to his dire wolf." Joffrey raved.

Twins patients were running low. The boy was ruled by his temper, similar to Robert. But Robert never had a taste for cruelty and he had no desire to rule, making him mailable. Joffrey was not easily sharpened. 

"Perhaps the king should retire. It has been a long day on all of us." Cersei cut in.

"Agreed," Tywin said and nodded to Blount, how firmly guided the king out as he raged over the Stark boy. The doors to the chamber closed behind him, but the council could still hear the king's complaints. Then they heard whimpers and screams belonging to a woman. Joffrey must have run into Ser Oakheart returning with Sansa. The poor girl truly had a gift for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only she had arrived a few minutes later. Then she would have returned to her chamber unharmed. 

As long as Joffrey didn't kill her, he could do what he wished. 

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