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Two weeks after the red wedding

'Where am I?' Robb thought as his eye traced the wooden ceiling of a small hut. He tried to sit up but a sharp pain in his shoulder forces him back down. He could hear the click of claws on a hard floor and the face of Greywind appeared next to his own, chin resting on the bed. 

The last thing he remembered was arriving at the Frey's for Edmure's wedding. He could remember his mother's warning: "If we are offered refreshment when we arrive, on no account refuse. Take what is offered, and eat and drink where all can see. If nothing is offered, ask for bread and cheese and a cup of wine." 

The memories of that night flowed back to him. Everyone was dead, his mother, wife, uncle, bannermen. The only Starks that were left were Sansa, Bran, and Rickon. Sansa was now a Lannister.

He wished that he had listened to his mother. His victories fed his arrogance, making him believe that he was invincible. She had tried to make him think like a king, not a commander. If only he had listened. 

His heart ached. Bryden had told him to go to the wall, but Bran and Rickon were still in Winterfell. He needed to go to them.

He tried to get up again, but the pain was still too sharp.

A door opened, footsteps approached him. An older man with copper hair and brown eyes entered his line of sight. "Looks like someone woke up." He said in a kind tone. 

"Where am I?" Robb rasped.

"Just outside of Seaguard." The man answer, helping Robb elevate his head. Robb whimpered at the stinging in his shoulder. 

"Sorry about that, lad." The man brought a cup of water to his lips, which Robb downed thankfully. "My son found you on a horse two weeks ago. You were half dead, looked like you had just been through a battle. When word of the Red Wedding came to us, we assumed that you were an escaped soldier from Riverrun."

'The Red Wedding' Robb thought bitterly. It was a fitting title.

"The young wolf and his troops were slaughtered and the Frey's have now taken control of the Riverlands."

"Is there any news of the North?" Robb asked. 'Perhaps Bran and Rickon have been able to rally forced to defend the North.' It was wishful thinking but hope was all he had left.

"Aye. The Bolton bastard took Winterfell and executed the two Stark boys." Robb's heart plummeted. He didn't hear what else the man had to say. His brothers were dead. There was more blood on his hands. If only he had listened.

"Are you alright?" The man's hand rested on Robb's arm, pulling him back to the moment.

"Yes." Robb lied, he couldn't allow himself to fall apart right now. He needed to survive long enough to avenge his family and if he fell apart, he would never be able to do that. 

"What's your name?"

"Jon Rivers."

"What happened to you?"

"I was a soldier for house Tully and my commander ordered me to get reinforcements when the fighting started." It was the most believable lie that Robb could come up with. This man seemed kind, but he couldn't trust him with the truth. 

"And the wolf?" The man raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"My father bred guard dogs, mixed them with wolves to make them bigger." Robb sent a silent prayer to the old gods and new that the man would believe him. 

The man nodded slowly. "Once you're healed, you should be on your way." He said softly, he turned to leave.

"Why are you helping me?" Robb called.

"I lost my firstborn at the Red Wedding." The man answered before leaving. 

Robb thought over the new information. He was the last Stark, and most of Westeros thought that he was dead. 

He had never alone before in his life. As a child, he always had his father, Jon, and Theon by his side. As a king, he had his mother, uncle, and Theon. Everyone was dead, except Jon. But he was a hundred miles away. 

He felt Greywind lick his hand gently. He scratched him behind the ear and looked into his yellow eyes. "I guess I'm not completely alone." He whispered.

Greywind whined softly in response, nuzzling his nose into Robb's side. 

Robb closed his eyes, expecting to have difficulty finding sleep, but sleep came with ease, despite his grief. Robb welcomed the dreams of Winterfell when he and Theon would make Jon get into trouble with them when Robb would practice sword fighting with Bran when Arya and Sansa would bicker under the watchful eyes of Lady Stark and Lord Stark. 

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