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Update on Jon- He literally just got back from Hardhome

Two weeks after Asha is captured by Stannis

Asha had thought that Deepwood Motte was cold. She was wrong. The cold cut her to the bone as her gelding followed Ser Davos's horse to Castle Black. She wasn't sure if Castle Black could really be considered a castle. It was under repair but still resembled a half-ruined fort. 

As they entered the gate, she couldn't help but notice that it was busier than she expected. She knew that the Night's Watch was severely undermanned, but there seemed to be nearly a surplus of people in the fort. Not all of them were wearing black. 'That's odd.' She thought. 

A man wearing the flaming stag of Stannis Baratheon approached. "Welcome, Ser Davos." He greeted. 

"Ser Fell." Davos swung from his horse, Asha following his example. Her eyes looked around the fortress. If she could steal some supplies and a horse, she could reach the sea within two weeks. "Please tell Lord Commander Snow of our arrival."

The man offered a shallow bow before departing. "If you would follow me, m'lady." Davos turned to her.

She gave him a nod. She could feel eyes on her. Most of them were curious. She doubted that they saw many women up here and were probably wondering what King Stannis wanted with her. She doubted that anyone knew who she was, but they would soon enough. 

They approached the tallest tower, with an oak door studded in iron. "The watch calls this the King's tower. It is where honored guests traditionally stay when visiting. I know that you must not feel like an honored guest, but for the time being, you are." Davos explained as he held the door open for her.

Hot air warmed her face as she walked in. "Why don't we agree to be honest with each other. Im a hostage, not an honored guest. If I try to leave, you will kill me in the name of your king. If my father refuses Stannis, you will kill me in the name of your king." Asha retorted, making her way to the desk, which she sat behind, putting her feet up.

Davos didn't seem too insulted by her brash words. She quickly learned that he rarely fell into a rage. In all honesty, he was a kind soul and treated her fairly. But she wasn't in the mood to entertain his courtesy's. "Okay, m'lady." He took a seat by the fire and warmed his hands. This was the first time she had seen him without gloves. Part of her wanted to ask what had happened to his fingers, but she decided against it.

The door opened, cold air rushing in. A man dressed all in black entered. "Ser Davos, Welcome to Castle Black." He had a thick northern accent. 

"Lord Commander, thank you for the welcome," Davos replied with a smile. As he turned to her, she was surprised by how young he was. She had been expected an old man to be the Lord Commander. This boy could be no older than one and seven. He had jet black hair and nearly black-grey eyes. "This is Lady Asha Greyjoy," Davos paused, thinking of a polite manner of making her current status known, "Ward of King Stannis Baratheon."

"Pleasure to meet you." She gave the commander a smile that dripped in venom. 

He seemed unfazed by her. He gave her a bow. "My lady." He turned his attention back to Davos. "Will Stannis be returning?"

"No, m'lord. He sends his regards. I take it that your journey to Hardhome was successful?"

'Isn't Hardhome a wildling settlement?' Asha thought

The command's eyes darkened. "Partially. We saved about 5,000. The rest were lost."

Asha's interest peaked. Why would they care about saving wildings? What were the wildlings lost to?

"Aye. What a shame." Davos's voice took a somber tone. There was a moment of silence as the weight of this news took effect on Davos. Whatever had happened, was dire. Her eyes darted between the men, trying to see if either would give something away. Davos took notice of this. "It's been a long journey for me and the lady. Perhaps you could show us to the great hall, so we could get something to eat?" He asked. 

"Of course." The commander responded, in an ever so polite manner. He had only said a few words to her, but Asha had already figured him out. He was the kind of man who valued honor and duty over everything else. 

She got up, her stomach turned at the thought of food. They had eaten salted meats on the way to the wall, but a hot meal and a cup of ale would be welcomed. 

When the door opened, the cold attacked her like a pack of wolves. The commander seemed unaffected by it. 'Fucking northerners.' She mentally cursed him. 

She shivered as the cold wormed its way under her furs and up her spine. The walk to the great hall was luckily a short one. The hall was nearly silent. Those in black sat on one end, those in a motley of furs on the other. 

"Men of the Night's Watch." The Lord Commander drew their attention. Half of his men looked at him with disdain, the other half with a look of betrayal. Asha knew the dangers of a crew turning against their captain. By the looks of these men, their captain wasn't long for this world. "This is Ser Davos Seaworth, hand to King Stannis Baratheon, and Lady Greyjoy, guest of Stannis Baratheon. Until His Grace moves his company to the Night Fort, they are also guests of the Night's Watch. Treat them as such." He continued, his men remaining silent. 

He turned to them. "There is ale and food at the other end of the hall. Help yourselves with anything you need. If you would excuse me, I have duties to attend to." He left the hall, leaving them with the eyes of about one hundred men on them. 

"I could definitely use a drink," Asha said, breaking the silence and heading towards the wall. She grabbed a pint of ale and took a swing. "This tastes like dog piss." She mumbled but kept drinking it was it warmed her throat and stomach with every sip. She took a bowl of stew and looked around the room. The cluster of black that was the men of the Night's Watch remained silent, but the men in furs on the other end had begun to speak amongst themselves. 

Rather than be gawked at by men who had probably not seen a woman since their birth, she headed towards the table of various pelts. She took a seat next to a tall man with flaming red hair. "You look like an interesting fellow." She smirked. He looked like the kind of fellow who could help her get out of here.

He turned to her. He had wild eyes, not as if he were a scared animal, but more predatory, like a bear. "I am. Names Tormund Giantsbane."

"Asha Greyjoy." She held out her hand, which he shook in kind. 

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