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Six weeks after the red wedding

Tywin watched as Qyburn tended to Jaime's wound. He had received word after the wedding that Jaime would be returned to him, but Jaime was only a fraction of who he once was. He winched as Qyburn wrapped his son's wrist. Jaime remained silent as he contemplated the news of Tyrion. "He didn't break any laws." He said softly.

"He acted against the king," Tywin answered. "That is treason."

"Is there any proof that he helped her?" Jaime's face was somber. He was desperately searching for a way out for Tyrion. 

"Yes. There are witnesses."

"Have you spoken to him since he was arrested?" 


"Father, please, speak with him. Help him, he is your son." Jaime pleaded. 

"The imp is a traitor." Tywin's face was a statue, revealing nothing.

"I will leave the king's guard, reclaim my right to Casterly Rock if you help him." Jaime looked at the floor. He was finally accepting his destiny. 

Tywin's interest peaked. "He will be found guilty, but I can offer him the black."

Jaime's features softened with relief. "Thank you." 


The cells smelled like piss and shit. Many men had passed through these cells, noble and common. Tywin found Tyrion in the same cell that Eddard Stark had been held in. "Under what grounds am I being detained?" He asked.

"Treason. For the plot to usurp the king by using your wife Sansa Stark, heir to Winterfell." Tywin answered, knowing that it was a lie made up by Cersei and fueled by Joffrey. In truth, they just wanted Tyrion gone. Tyrion's tongue did not help his case. He had a history of threatening the king and his wife's disappearance was enough of a reason for Joffrey to be able to get rid of him. 

Tyrion scoffed. He was smart enough to know the truth. It was one of his only redeeming qualities. He was always intelligent enough to see through the lies. Unfortunately, he had been born a dwarf and he had killed his mother.

Tywin tried to never think of Joanna. She was one of the only people in the world that had ever made him smile. She understood his ambition and silently supported his every action. 

"Your trial will be on the morrow," Tywin said.

"And we both know what the outcome will be." Tyrion spat. His fate was written and the ink was drying. 

"Yes, you will be found guilty. But that doesn't mean that you will be executed. Take the black."

Tyrion's eyes widened, rage filling them, but he said nothing. He only nodded, considering his options. 


"Call the first witness to the stand," Joffrey commanded, his voice bored. 

The first witness was Ser Balon Swann, who described an incident in which Tyrion struck Joffrey after the riot of King's Landing.

The next witness was Ser Meryn Trant. He describes another incident in which Tyrion had struck Joffrey and compared him to the mad king. 

"He was beating Sansa!" Tyrion spoke out, only to be silenced by Joffrey's rage. 

The final witness was Sansa's maid, Shae, who was also Tyrion's whore.

"Did you ever hear Lady Sansa or Lord Tyrion conspire against the king?" Tywin asked.

"Yes. They would often discuss their hatred for the king. They also would discuss how Lady Sansa would be able to rally northern's after her brother's death." Shae answered. 

Tyrion surged against his chains. "Lies!" He yelled. 

"Quiet!" Joffrey snapped. Once the room was silent, he nodded to Shae to continue. 

"Lord Tyrion and Lady Sansa sought to usurp the king as revenge for Lord Stark and Robb Stark. I think that Lord Tyrion wanted to win his wife's affections by helping her."

Tyrion remained silent. His eyes were wide.

"Lord Tyrion, do you have anything to say in your defense?" Tywin asked. 

Tyrion shook his head. 

"I, King Joffrey Baratheon, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, protector of the realm and King of the Andals, pronounce you guilty of treason-." Joffrey was cut off. 

"I demand trial by combat," Tyrion growled. 

Tywin felt rage rise in his stomach. "And who will be your champion?" 

Tyrion looked lost for a moment until the tall blonde woman who had accompanied Jaime stepped forward. "I will." She said. 

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