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two days after Jon's death

The red woman sat in front of the fire in, what was Jon's solar. Asha watched as the light of the flames danced across her face. Ever since they found Jon's body, the woman had been silent. She pestered nobody about the Lord of Light and the Prince that was Promised. She only stared into the flames.

Ser Davos had found Jon's body. He had been left in a pile of snow, the mutineers hadn't even had the decency to dispose of his body, they just left it for them to fine. At sea, a captain would always be thrown to the sea, so they could find the halls of the Drowned God. It was the one mercy that an Ironborn would give. But these mutineers treated him like game that they had brought down. 

Most of the men elected to burn his bones, but Lady Melissandre refused. Edd had brought his body to an ice cell, giving them time to figure out what to do. 

Asha had found Ghost in Jon's solar. There were claw marks on the door where he tried to get out. Ghost had nearly knocked her over as he bolted out of the solar and galloped towards the red stain in the snow. 

She watches as the dire wolf carefully stepped around the blood as if he were scared to get it on him. Then his nose fell to the ground and he headed towards the ice cells. 

Asha stepped into the solar. Her eyes found Longclaw, leaning against Jon's desk. "He was such a fool." She mumbled as she picked up the blade. It was lighter than normal steel and the hilt had Ghost carved into it. For some reason, she couldn't stand the thought of one of the traitors claiming this blade as their own, so she slung it over her back. 

Longclaw still remained strapped to her back, as she watched Lady Melissandre. Asha's mind-numbed watching this woman. "I'll be back." She said and walked out. It was cold, as always, but the wind had died. 

She saw Ghost, laying in from of Jon's temporary crypt. He hadn't left the door to the ice cell since she had let him out of Jon's solar. 

Her lips pressed into a firm line as she headed for the great hall. The Wildings had set up their camp a few miles south of the wall before Jon's death, leaving only the somber silence of the Watch. The great hall was nearly empty, except for a pair of young boys eating on the far side. Asha grabbed a horn of ale for herself and a leg of mutton. 

She returned to the cold courtyard and crossed it to the cells. Ghost pulled himself up into a sitting position as she approached. "I figured that you might be hungry." She said as she tossed the leg of mutton at him. Ghost's eyes never left her as he began to eat the meat. She sat next to the doorway, her back against the frozen wall. 

She looked at Ghost, who watched her from no more than two feet away. "You know, he brought this upon himself. I warned him, Lady Melissandre warned him in her own twisted way, hell, even his men gave him plenty of warning." She took a swing of her ale. 

"Of course he didn't listen. The poor Starks are curse with such rigid morality and honor." 

She looked away from Ghost, her eyes moving to the stars. "I must be going mad. I'm talking to a fucking dog." A shiver ran up her spine from the cold. She suddenly felt a warm weight in her lap. Ghost's head now rested there. Her hand fell to the top of his head and she stroked his soft fur. 

"You must miss him." She whispered. Ghost whined as if he understood what she was saying. "Honestly, I miss him too. I don't really know why I do. He was always so solemn. Fucking Ser Allister was more entertaining at times." She took another drink. 

"And his honor made him such a bore. He might as well have been a Septon."

Ghost remained silent. He just listened to Asha. 

"It is a pity though, that he had to die like that. Nobody deserves to die like that." 

Her eyes returned to the stars. The stars reminded her of the sea. They remained the same, whether at Castle Black, on Pyke, or in the center of the Narrow Sea. They provided an odd sense of home in such a strange place. 

She lost track of time looking at the sky. With Ghost keeping her warm, the cold didn't force her inside. 

"M'lady." She heard Ser Davos say. She lowered her gaze until she found his. "Lady Melissandre requested your presence." 

Asha nodded, and Ghost sat up. She turned to him and gave him a final scratch behind the ears before getting up and following Davos to Jon's solar. 

"Lady Greyjoy, what is that saying that you Drowned God worshipers say?" Lady Melissandre asked, her eyes never leaving the fire. 

"What is dead may never die, but rise again harder and stronger," Asha answered slowly. 'Why does she want to know?' She thought.

"Ahh, yes. What is dead may never die." Melissandre's lips pulled into a smile as the flames rose in the fireplace. 

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