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Two weeks after Jon's resurrection.

Cersei's smile was something that Jaime would have died for at one point, but now it brought him no joy. 

"My uncle is dead. His army was crushed by Lord Bolton." Joffery mussed, eyes gleaming. "First Robb Stark, now Stannis Baratheon. It seems that the seven have willed my reign." 

Maester Pycelle squirmed nervously. His scroll clearly contained more. Whatever it was, he was terrified of Joffery's reaction. The small council had quickly learned to avoid enraging Joffery, or else they would face the consequences.

"There is news from Mereen as well. It seems that the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, has conquered the city." Pycelle added hesitantly.

"That is of no matter, we will crush her when she washes up on her shores," Joffery said. 

"She has three dragons, the same as Aegon the conqueror," Tywin said. "We must solidify our alliances in case she sets her sight on Westeros. We have the North, Westerlands, and Reach are in our pockets. The Vale hasn't been an issue but they are not loyal to us and the Riverlands are still in ruin, even with the Frey's as the paramount house, we cannot rely on them. We must secure Dorne." 

"Dorne will be... difficult to secure, my lord." Varys began. "They are still angry about Princess Elia's death. Perhaps you should send them as Ser Gregor Clegane, as a move towards a positive relationship?"

Tywin turned to Jaime. His gaze told Jaime what to say. "It will be done." As lord paramount of the Westerlands, Jaime now had to decide what happened to his vessels. He hated how he had to choose whether or not someone would be sent to their death, even if it was the Mountain. 

"There is more, your grace." Pycelle's hands shook with nerves. "Your uncle, Lord Tyrion, has become hand to the Dragon Queen." The room fell silent.

Joffery's goblet of wine crashed against the wall. Jaime was in awe. His brother had become Daenerys Targaryens hand. 

Jaime knew that Tyrion had every right to be angry with his family, but this was still shocking. 

"We should have executed him." Cersei seethed.

"The gods found him innocent," Tywin said, his voice remaining calm. Jaime wondered how his father could remain so calm after hearing the news. He barely even reacted to it. 

"I want him dead. Send assassins, offer a lordship to anyone who brings me his head. If they bring me the head of this dragon queen as well, they will get Dragonstone." Joffery hissed.

Jaime watched as Joffery's rage rose and he began to throw objects against the cold stone walls of the Red Keep. Jaime shuttered. Sometimes when he looked at Joffery, all he could see was purple eyes and long fingernails. 

"Everybody out," Cersei ordered and the small council scattered like rats. 


As he walked through the Red Keep, Jaime could hear crying. It grew louder as he approached the gardens. Queen Margaery sat there, in all black. Her face was buried in her hands as she sobbed softly.

"Your grace, is everything alright?" 

"Yes. It's fine, Lord Jaime." She wiped the tears off of her face frantically. 

Jaime sighed softly and sat next to her. "Can I give you some advice?" 

She nodded, not meeting his eyes. A tear ran down her cheek. 

"When I served under King Aerys. There were many... events that I wished that I didn't have to witness. I learned this trick that made it bearable. I learned how to sink deep into myself. Anything could happen outside of my body but I would content and safe on the inside." Jaime's eyes glazed over slightly. "My advice to you, my queen, is to learn how to do that. It takes practice, but it will help you survive this place." 

Margaery looked at him with glossy eyes. "Thank you, my lord." She whispered. She finally turned her face to his. He could now see the black and blue mark that had engulfed her left eye. The blood vessels in the eye had popped, leaving it an angry red color. But the most concerning part was the long thin scar now running down her cheek.

He could feel his brow knit together as his hand rose to lightly touch the mark. She flinched away, his hand shot back to his side. He felt disgust and horror rise in his chest. He knew that Joffery was a terror for his wife, but this was different. Bruises would fade, but this scar would be a constant reminder to Margaery of the monster she had wed.

"Perhaps you should visit your grandmother at High Garden." He whispered. 

"He won't let me leave. Lady Sansa warned me, but I just wanted to be queen..." Margaery's voice trailed off, then she remembered who she was speaking to. "But I love my husband. I would never leave his side." She added as if trying to convince Jaime of the affections she and her husband bore each other. 

Jaime's face softened. "I won't speak of what we discussed today. You have nothing to fear from me." 

"Thank you, my lord," Margaery whispered again, her body relaxing slightly. 

"I will speak with Lord Tywin. I can see how much you miss your family and it may help your spirits see them soon. I am leaving for Casterly Rock soon and would be able to escort you." Perhaps Tywin would permit the girl to leave, even if it was only temporary.

"I would appreciate that, my lord." Margaery seemed grateful for what Jaime was doing for her. She truly was a smart and beautiful girl. If she were married to anyone other than Joffery, she would have made a magnificent queen. But unfortunately, Joffery lacked the sense to love her. 

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