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Im going to change Tywin's perspective to Jaime's and Joffrey's because I hate writing Tywin. If y'all are into Tywin's chapters then let me know and I'll keep a few, but otherwise, I'm gonna switch over

One month after Asha's arrival at Castle Black

Every small council meeting was a reminder as to why Jaime chose the Kingsguard over Casterly Rock. But he wasn't in the Kingsguard anymore, Tywin had made sure of that. Now he was Lord Jaime Lannister. Tywin had insisted that he attend a few council meetings before he left for the Rock. 

Jaime couldn't decide which was more painful, having his hand chopped off or listening to Maester Pycelle for hours on end. To be honest he had no idea what they were currently discussing. On occasion words like 'dragon queen' or 'Stannis' would draw his attention, but that attention would wither away quickly. 

Jamie found that these meetings were a very good time to contemplate life. His mind would often wander, thinking over his past sins, good deeds, and his secure future.

During this particular meeting, his mind found its way to Joffery. Joffery didn't even attend this meeting. He couldn't be bothered discussing rumors of foreign invaders and his nuncle's escapades in the North. No, Joffrey had better things to do. Joffery's newest plaything was his wife, Queen Margaery. 

If Jaime was being honest with himself, which he often tried his best not to be, he could already see the resemblance between Joffery and Aerys. With Aerys, the cruelty began with Rhaella. Queen Margaery appeared to be the beginning of Jofferys. His treatment of Sansa Stark had been cause for some concern, but her father was a traitor and her brother was in open rebellion. Looking back, he had been able to think of an excuse for Joffery, a way to rationalize his behavior. Jaime couldn't think of an excuse for this. 

With Sansa, part of Jaime didn't want to see Joffery's cruelty, so he ignored it. He lied to himself until he believed the lies. That Joffery was just keeping Sansa in check, that he wasn't mad or cruel. Jaime couldn't hide behind lies anymore. 

The first morning that Queen Margaery had come out of her chamber with a bruise on her face, Ser Loras had come to Jaime. He had not yet been removed from the Kingsguard and was still Lord Commander. 

"We have to help her." Loras had always been proud, never the kind of man to plead. But he pleaded now. "We are sworn to protect her."

Loras reminded Jaime of his younger self. He had pleaded with Ser Darry to help Queen Rhaella, but Ser Darry gave him the same answer that he would give Loras. 

"We are, but not from him."

Loras hadn't been permitted to stay in the Red Keep for long after that. As the bruises on his sister grew worse, his temper rose until he had to be sent away. He was sent to Dorne, to help Ser Arys Oakheart protect princess Myrcella. 

Jaime understood how Loras must have felt. If anyone had treated Cersei in the same manner that Joffery was treating his queen, Jaime would have killed them. 

Jaime's eyes fell on Cersei. She was as beautiful as ever, green eyes glittering and her golden hair shone. Yet, his heart didn't skip a beat when he looked at her like it almost always did. 

Cersei wasn't the same person she had been before he was held hostage by Robb Stark. Or maybe he wasn't the same person. When he had confronted her about Joffery's behavior, Cersei had simply given him a smile and said that Joffery was simply getting a little too rough. Jaime wanted to believe that his sister was just being naive, but Cersei had never been naive. She knew what was happened, she just didn't care. 

Jaime saw how his sister would glare at the young queen. In private, she would tell Jaime how Margaery was manipulating her son, their son. It always amazed Jaime how Joffery became his son when Cersei needed him to do something. Cersei would rave about how the girl was poison. Jaime watched as the woman he had once loved twisted herself into something truly grotesque due to jealousy. He worried for his sister now. He could barely recognize the person she had become. 

His father seemed to be the only person who was the least bit concerned. Tywin didn't care much for the girl herself, but with her treatment growing worse, the alliance with the Reach was in jeopardy. If anything were to happen to the girl, Olenna Tyrell would shift her support to Stannis Baratheon, changing the tide of the war. 

Without the Reach's support, Joffery's reign would wither and die. He would either be defeated in the field or be starved in the walls of the Red Keep. 

Jaime couldn't help but recall the simplicity of the Kingsguard. Before becoming Lord Commander, it had been just following orders. That had been easy, he didn't need to weigh consequences or feel the guilt that accompanied making the wrong choice. When following, you could use the excuse that you were just obeying orders. You could tell yourself that there had been no choice. When leading, you couldn't hide behind excuses. 

All of his life, Jaime had been hiding. At first, it was responsibility, then guilt, then the truth. Now, he felt like he was being dragged into the open, exposed for all to see. 

He flinched as he felt a hand close on his shoulder. He hadn't noticed that the meeting had ended and now only he and Tywin were left in the room. 

"You would do well to pay attention during these meetings. They may teach you something that you will need as Lord of Casterly Rock." Tywin said, his green eyes piercing Jaime before he left the room. 

"Yes, father," Jaime whispered, his left hand tracing the cold metal of his right hand.

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