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Three weeks after Robb learned the truth

'Fucking Balon Greyjoy' Asha thought as her few remaining men died around her as Stannis's forces closed in on them. For the first month at Deepwood Motte, the Ironborn lived like royalty. Then the food ran out. They were able to hunt enough to survive, but many men lost their strength from meager portions. They couldn't leave the fortress, or else they would lose it. Balon had ordered them to hold it until he sent reinforcements. Those reinforcements never came.

A few weeks after they ran out of food, men started to get sick. They would cough up blood and eventually die choking on it. Out of the ninety men she took to Deepwood Motte, only twenty remained to fight the Baratheon forces. 

She buried her ax between the eyes of a stag soldier, twisting out of another man's grasp. Fifteen of her men were left now. They would not hold out much longer against the Baratheon army.

"Surrender!" She yelled to her me, dropping her ax. She would rather surrender now, so she can survive to fight in the future. The clang of metal on stone echoes throughout the great hall, where they had been pinned by Stannis. 

Blood fell into Asha's eye from a cut on her forehead as the soldiers parted ways for their commander.

His face was stern, with thinning black hair, and bright blue eyes. She had heard tales of his brother, the fat king when he was young. How handsome he supposedly was. Stannis did not seem to take after his brother. His face held no traces of beauty, only duty. 

"Lady Greyjoy, we accept your surrender." He said. 

"Will my men be harmed?" She needed to ensure their safety. Her crew was her family, as much as Balon and Victarion were.

"They will not be harmed, I swear it on my honor." For men like Stannis, honor would rule them. It was their only god.

She nodded and allowed herself to be taken into custody by the stag soldiers. Her men were separated from her. She was brought up to Lord Glover's soldier, where three guards remained at her side while Stannis took a seat behind a desk. An older man, with grey hair and missing fingers, was waiting there for them. 

"Ser Davos, this is Asha Greyjoy." Stannis introduced.

"M'lady." Davos greeted politely bowing his head.

"Pleasure to meet you." Asha's voice was dripping in satire.

"Ser Davos, on the morrow, you will escort Lady Asha to Castle Black, where Lady Melissandre and Queen Selyse are. She will remain there as a ward of the Baratheon household."

'Just like little Theon.' Asha thought bitterly. Perhaps it could be worse. Castle Black belonged to the Night's Watch. She had no doubt that she would easily find a few things to play with there. 

"Aye, your grace." Davos dipped his head.

"You two are dismissed." Stannis turned his attention to a few documents on the desk. 

The guards guided her out of the solar and to her chamber, which now felt more like a glorified cell.

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